Straight Outta Prison Podcast


Most people that know James K Jones today are shocked to learn he spent a better part of a decade in Prison. Although he has been out of prison for over 20 years, according to his multiple charges, he should still be there. Instead, he is now married with 3 beautiful children and a business owner. This is his story of how he got to prison. His life in prison: the people, the hustles, the corruption, and profound insights he uncovered about himself, others, and life in general. Ultimately, James believes being locked up saved his life. This is James telling his story, that has now become a part of Haley's story. Together, they take you on the journey- with all the drama and dirty details that ultimately led to freedom.

Federal Prison Talk


I started this channel to help those on federal pretrial facing prison overcome their fears and hopefully have a better outcome at sentencing time. I served a 52 month sentence for wire fraud at Flornece federal Prison Camp in Florence Colorado. I have learned to change my life and turn it all around and recovery from drug addiction and have a positive look on life now. Your life is not over when you go to prison it can be the beginning of something wonderful if you are willing to take accountability for your actions and are willing to change. I hope my videos help yuou in your journey through life, GOD BLESS... WHAT FEDERAL PRISON CAMP LIFE IS ALL ABOUT AND BELOW IS LISTS OF WEBSITES FOR THOSE AWAITING SENTENCING OR ON PRETRIAL OR HAVE BEEN INDICTED. FEDERAL PRISON CAMP VIDEOS LINK CALL ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS (415) 410-4612 SEAN



Listen to the world's greatest music! Since ancient times music has played an integral part of the human experience. With music we interpret and amplify the events and emotions in our life in a way that can't be done by words alone. The ancient Greeks thought that music was a reflection of the order of the universe. Music is truly magical!! One thing we know for sure, if done right, it sure sounds good!! We hope you enjoy the music and will subscribe to our channel. Thank you!!