California Haunts Radio


California Haunts Radio has been on the air for more than 16 years broadcasting on Blogtalk but recently made the change to live video. In the years the show has been on the air, topics have ranged from the paranormal to UAP and Alien Abductions and also included cryptids, time travel and other strange mysteries. Host Charlotte Kosa is a journalist/photojournalist with more than 25 years experience. She has been the editor of a daily online paper and the assistant editor of a daily paper. She also was a general assignment reporter and crime and courts reporter during her long career. Guests such as John Zaffis and LInda Moulton Howe have appeared on the show as well as other types of news stories including current events topics.

Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Nevada and California.


I decided to start this channel out of pure enjoyment of exploring the old Ghost Towns of Nevada and California and the back country where they are found and, just to get the feel and sense of what the lives of those who lived there was like. Then a friend of mine who is into photography and had similar interest about the history and what it took to live back then decided to join, So that's how it all started...this channel is not about the paranormal... only history and exploring... we upload a new video every Sunday.