Gardening has become a popular hobby for those who love to nurture plants and flowers. One of the fantastic gardening ideas is to create a vertical garden. A vertical garden is a perfect solution for those who have limited space in their garden or home. It can be created by using a variety of containers that can hang on the wall or fence. The plants can be arranged according to their height and color, making it a beautiful and organized display. Another great gardening idea is to create a container garden. Container gardening is a fun and straightforward way to grow plants and flowers at home. It is ideal for those who live in apartments, condos, or have limited outdoor space. Container gardening is also perfect for those who want to keep the plants and flowers within easy reach. #GardeningTips #GardeningIdeas #GardeningInspiration #DIYGardenProjects #GardenDesignIdeas

Makanan dan masakan dari segala penjuru dunia


Kami mendirikan Tastemade dengan satu tujuan, yaitu untuk menghubungkan dunia melalui makanan. Saat istimewa yang paling sering menyatukan kita dalam kehidupan adalah saat kita berada di seputar makanan, itu adalah saat dimana kita saling berkumpul satu sama lain. Kami tau bahwa kami tidak dapat melakukan ini sendiri dan kami pun tidak menginginkan itu. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan Ini dibutuhkan orang-orang yang memiliki semangat yang kuat dan memiliki kecintaan yang dalam terhadap makanan. Untunglah para Tastemakers dari segala penjuru dunia seperti mu telah membuat konten yang sangat baik. Bagikanlah konten ini dan hubungkanlah satu orang lagi setiap harinya.

Side A Side B


Welcome to the channel! Both sides of the equality sign. New Playlists - Sequences & Series, Divisibility and Diophantine Equations What's coming the long-term, doing background work which will lead up to a discussion and proof of Taylor's Theorem. All together a work in progress, with topics such as equation of a circle, trigonometric functions, linear progressions and polynomials; along with calculus and real analysis. What's coming the short-term, at least four videos maybe five to work four problems. As of 10/18/24...all 13 videos now LIVE! What's coming up? On the books...13 videos to discuss another Divisibility problem. First, Gauss Method for sums. Next, a discussion of cubic, quadratic and arithmetic sequences and series, and system of equations...with a strong focus on the Delta Difference operator...13 LIVE Videos! Then introducing the problem, does a product of 2 primes divide an expression? With the condition for all (n). Which involves, solving a quadratic congruence. One video using a system of equations. And then another video, after a discussion of the Chinese Remainder Theorem, using it to find a unique solution.