Guinness World Records


We want to show that everyone in the world is the best at something. And we’re here to measure it! Whether you’ve got the stretchiest skin, know the world’s smallest dog or want to create the largest human dominoes chain, we want to hear about it. Here on the Guinness World Records YouTube channel we want to showcase incredible talent. If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you're in the right place. • Please be respectful of each other and of our record holders. • We will always welcome new applications - if you think you can break a record, please do apply. • Spam posts will result in an instant ban. • If you have a question about an application or a customer services issue you'd like to raise with the team, please head to to send a message.



برنامج تك توك هو البرنامج الأول في مصر والشرق الأوسط الذي يتناول التكنولوجيا وتأثيرها على المجتمع. البرنامج تقديم د. محمد الجندي وهو خبير ومحاضر دولي في أمن المعلومات والجرائم الإلكترونية. يقدم البرنامج حلقات أسبوعية تتناول كل جديد في عالم التكنولوجيا والعلوم بطريقة مبسطة وجاذبة منذ عام 2013. يعرض البرنامج حصريا على قناة القاهرة والناس. TechTalk is the only TV show that tackles the tangible and intangible effects of the digital world on our society, presented by Dr. Mohamed El-Guindy since 2013. The TV Show is exclusively aired on Al Kahera Wal Nas TV Channel and discusses controversial scientific and technological topics.