Dividend Data


Welcome to Dividend Data! Dividend Growth Investing provides the ability to create cash flow, without selling your position in a stock. This type of investing has a strong compounding effect when dividends are being reinvested back into your holdings. Over time, Dividend Investing can be your pathway to financial freedom! Follow my Investment Journey! Why Subscribe? *Monthly analysis of my full dividend stock portfolio *Weekly videos on a range of topics (Stock Reviews, What I bought that week, Investing theory, fun/goofy videos, etc) Disclaimer: These videos are my opinion and are not to be considered financial advice

Mr Data World


👋 Hi, Myself Ameer Mavvia. I'm a professional 3d modeling artist. I make my videos with Unity 3d and Blender software. On this channel, you can see size, speed, price and other comparison videos. My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Figures and facts at the time of creating the video and watching it - may be strikingly different. Everything is purely individual. Don't forget about this. All the videos are created by myself. Copying without permission - is prohibited. Software that I use: Unity 3d, Blender, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop. 💻 My PC Specifications: CPU: Proc: Core i5, 12900KF, 2.4 GHz Video: GeForce RTX 3080, 12 GB RAM: 32 GB Storage: 1000 GB Please like and subscribe If you like it. Thank you.