Aurora Waves


At Aurora Waves, music is a gateway to serenity, light, and an unknown world full of mystery and wonder. Each melody embraces you with calmness and takes you on a magical journey through radiant lights and mystical realms. Here, every note whispers tranquility, and every sound wave echoes the magic of the unknown. Join us and discover light and peace within the waves of the aurora, where mystery and wonder await. Aurora Waves – where music brings light, serenity, and enchantment to your world.

Swallowtail Smithy Channel


Want to see real steel clone armor, you're in the right place. #Functionalfantasyarmor We are a company that focuses on making whatever we feel like. Generally that involves making various fantasy items real and functional. This can mean medieval armor-smithing, metalwork, woodwork, woodcarving, leather working, fantasy armor-smithing, airsoft gameplay, 3D printing/design, upcycling and any other skills or projects we want or are asked to do. One of the other names we are known by is "The Lambda Chi Armorsmith". This is the official home of the Lambda Chi Armorsmith. We are so proud to be able to develop and showcase the creation of unique, hand made pieces inspired by our great fraternity. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep informed.