On our channel you will find ASMR videos dedicated to body, back, neck massage. In our videos you will find manual therapy techniques performed by professional masseurs. The videos can be useful for beginners, in order to understand the basic principles of massage. And besides all, our channel has beautiful girls, pleasant communication with patients and a lot of useful information on the subject of massage. Most of our videos contain high quality ASMR massage sound. For any questions please write to Partner market-affiliate

Musica Rilassante


Scopri la miglior musica rilassante per studiare, dormire e fare Yoga. Questo canale è gestito da terapeuti del suono, i quali selezionano e curano personalmente ogni brano pubblicato. Grazie alla nostra musica rilassante per dormire, riuscirai a conciliare il sonno e troverai finalmente la pace interiore. Potrai usare questa musica rilassante per massaggio o qualsiasi altra attività di meditazione, in cui vuoi riposare la mente e rilasciare le energie negative. Inoltre, pubblichiamo qualsiasi tipo di musica rilassante: piano, jazz, indiana, natura e tutte le varietà più apprezzate in Italia, in modo da rendere il nostro canale un punto di riferimento per gli amanti delle musiche per rilassarsi. Ricorda che pubblichiamo nuove musiche rilassanti ogni settimana e potrai ascoltarle in anteprima cliccando sulla campanella e seguendo il nostro canale.



Welcome to my food and travel vlog channel! Join me on my adventures as I explore the world, one dish at a time. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene beaches of Bali, I'll take you on a journey through some of the most beautiful and delicious destinations on the planet. In my videos, I'll share my favorite local eats, hidden gems, and must-try dishes. I'll also provide tips on how to navigate different cuisines and cultures, so you can make the most of your own travels. Whether you're a foodie looking for inspiration or a traveler in search of new experiences, my channel has something for everyone. So sit back, relax, and let's embark on a culinary adventure together!Throughout my travels, I'll showcase the unique flavors and ingredients that make each destination so special. From street food to fine dining, I'll explore it all and give you an insider's perspective on the local food scene. But my channel isn't just about food - I'll also take you on a tour of the sights and sounds of each location, highlighting the culture, history, and natural beauty that make these places so unforgettable. So whether you're craving a spicy bowl of noodles in Thailand or a fresh seafood feast in Greece, come along with me as we discover the world's most delicious destinations. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and join me on this mouthwatering journey!



E aí, se AMARRA nos MELHORES MEMES DA INTERNET que nos fazem RIR no nosso DIA-A-DIA? ✔ O que acha de assistir só os melhores MEMES num só canal? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Curtiu a ideia? Os MELHORES MEMES DA INTERNET, mostrando as MANIAS E LOUCURAS de todos nós e provando que, de perto, NINGUÉM É NORMAL.😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 TENTE NÃO RIR! #Memes #VídeosEngraçados #TenteNãoRir Se você ainda não for INSCRITO, já se inscreve aí agora: 🎬YouTube ➤ 🔔 Ative o SININHO das notificações pra não perder os NOVOS MEMES. 🔻Me Encontre nas Redes Sociais🔻 📸Instagram ➤

EcoWave Soundscapes.


"Welcome to EcoWave Soundscapes, your ultimate audio sanctuary for the eco-conscious soul. Immerse yourself in the harmonious rhythms of nature with our trendy and immersive soundscapes. Whether you're seeking a serene escape from the chaos of everyday life or simply indulging in the hottest trend of eco-aware relaxation, our channel transports you to the heart of lush forests, tranquil oceans, and pristine wilderness. Join us in the movement for a greener, more mindful world through the power of sound. Tune in, breathe deep, and let the soothing symphonies of nature guide your journey to inner peace and environmental harmony. 🌿🎶 #EcoWaveSounds #NatureEscape #TrendyRelaxation"