Hadassah Vincent Barucabamusic Global Network

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Barucabamusic Global Network Worship Train in compliance to John4:23-24 arise to flood the earth with our praise & worship to Jesus. HE alone deserves our worship Rev 4:11. For thus saith God, this is a Thursday, it will happen on a Friday, the Restoration of Eden before Adam sinned, like a second Eden. Isa 51:3b Join this 11th hour global Remnant of anointed lovers & Ministers of Jesus on this threshing floor as we honour HIS precious Blood. We are valuable in Jesus, the one we love & adore, the treasure in our earthen vessel & the only authentic eternal VALUABLE & desire of all Nations! With the joy of the Lord as my ATM Card embedded in the love of God, I draw from the Well of Salvation, the bounties of His Treasure House to worship HIM in Spirit & in truth! Join us. DAILY@GMT+1- 6am RefreshingTheRemnant;11am 90Minutes With Jesus;9:30pm-TenStringsPraise; 00:00 My 2324 Shepherd MONTHLY@6pm-6pm GMT+1 for 24hrs Worship 3rd Fridays; 3pm Divine Reliance every 21st Barucabamusic.com