• Apologetics • Evangelism • Theology


▶ I\\\'m from Norway, living in Slovakia, married, ex.footballer, now self-employed. I wish to present the logic, rationality, evidence materials, and arguments for the Christian faith. Or, as many non-believers think it really is; a blind faith in an old, bearded, evil, sky daddy. \n\n"GOD has NO pleasure in the death of the wicked; but rather that they turn from their ways and live." (Ezekiel 33:11) \n\n I work a daily full-time job, but my goal is to do ministry work part-time. I created a tier called for fun "Buy Me 1 Cup Of Coffee Every Week" - it\\\'s not about coffee, but about keeping me in part-time of doing ministry work. If you find value in my content, and are able to (no pressure!) - PRAYFULLY consider to support me on Patreon, Paypal, or Subscribestar. \n\nI\'m on Rumble because I don\'t speak the language here in Slovakia, so its hard to spread the Gospel here - but I do speak English. So... Dear Rumble; Jesus rose again!

The Balance Theory Podcast


Struggling to find balance in your life and achieve your goals? Join Erika De Pellegrin on The Balance Theory, a self development podcast packed with actionable strategies to build confidence, crush your goals, unlock the life you want and transform your mindset in the process. As a lawyer who’s conquered burnout, she shares powerful tips on self-growth, productivity, and unlocking your true potential—without the guilt, overwhelm & stress that comes from trying to juggle different areas of life. The Balance Theory is a powerful approach to reframing life balance, so you can build the life you are dreaming of without compromising what matters most

The Outlaw Feminist


The purpose of this channel is to push my face out into the ether and tell my very unique and special story in order to draw attention to the things I care about as follows: 1. ENDING STATE-SANCTIONED SEX TRAFFICKING IN MY HOMETOWN OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Get behind me or beside me but do not get in front of me. I have already accepted that I will be carried by six or judged by 12 on this one. If you gaslight me or attack me or threaten me, your name will be added to my list of "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SEX TRAFFICKERS (SYLST)".

From The Outside In


“From the Outside In” is hosted by two naturalized American citizens who were born in France and England. Ismaine and Robin have been working together in and around American politics for about a decade and launched this channel to share their views of American life, culture, politics, institutions, and economics. Their discussions are informed by their former lives in, and experiences of, their native countries and cultures. This channel is their small contribution to ensuring that their adoptive nation of the USA understands what makes it special and learns from the mistakes that others have made. The name “From the Outside In” refers both to Ismaine and Robin’s status as immigrants and to the perspective that they bring to this country. www.fromtheoutsidein.us



Welcome to the Rumble channel of The Voices of The One Mind where extraordinary beings share awe-inspiring insights that support humans on The Path of greater Realisation of Self. Join us as we delve into unlocking Cosmic Consciousness while being nourished by a nectared flow of wisdom. Subscribe to not miss new episodes! The One Mind promotes the teachings of the Direct Path. We are dedicated to the expansion into the field of Oneness, and unshackling minds of the chains of suffering.