Metal Maniacs Spiked Leather Nation with T. F. I.


What's up my Metal Maniacs! This channel is dedicated to promoting the music and artists we all love and enjoy. While it will typically focus on Metal we will at times step out of our comfort zone and explore other genres as all artists deserve credit and a platform to spread their art. Those we feature work a lot harder than most realize, often for little reward, and we salute them. We will not take ourselves too seriously if you're looking for dry boring commentary this channel is not for you. We will act every bit as stupid as we are, we will screw things up, we will do interviews backstage after drinking way too much, we may even blow some shit up. We hope you enjoy what we are doing and we urge you to support the amazing talent that we find everywhere we look. If it's not fun we won't do it! If you are NOT easily offended then let's take this amazingly absurd journey together. Shit got to go I just spilled my beer all over my keyboard! Twisted OUT! See you in the pit!!