History & Culture


http//:brannonparker.com Many rare videos with amazing and accurate information regarding the authentic history of Religion, God and Civilization and forgotten historical facts and ignored details regarding current events related to India & Modern Hindu Culture. Brannon Parker is also the author of two influential books 'Orissa in the Crossfire' and 'The Serpent the Eagle the Lion and the Disc'. Available here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/brannonparker The 1st book caused such controversy that calls were made in the Upper House of the Indian Parliament to ban the book. The fact is the book reveals the ongoing tragedy confronted by India's Tribal people of Odisha and the exposes revealed in the book made some elites uncomfortable. The 2nd book spans the history of civilization and religion and reveals that rather than a tragic story of tyrannical kings and priests, our common history is truly astounding and majestic.This book is a Startling Revelation regarding the history of religion, civilization and God.

The History Storybook


🕰️ Explore the Pages of History 🕰️ Step into a world where history isn't just facts and dates; it's vivid tales of human experiences, adventures, triumphs, and challenges. Our team of passionate storytellers and historians are here to transport you to different eras, civilizations, and events through meticulously crafted history storybooks. 📖 What You'll Discover 📖 🔍 Engaging Narratives: Dive deep into well-researched and beautifully narrated historical stories that will keep you glued to your screen. 🧐 Hidden Gems: Uncover fascinating, lesser-known stories and historical figures that have shaped our world in extraordinary ways. 🎨 Rich Visuals: Immerse yourself in stunning visuals, illustrations, and animations that breathe life into historical events. 📚 Your Gateway to the Past 📚 The History Storybook has something for everyone. #HistoryStorytelling #HistoricalTales #TimeTravelThroughBooks #SubscribeNow #Audibook '#bedtimestory #bedtimestory #bedtimevideo '#bedtimestories



The word “Islam” means “submission to the will of God.” Followers of Islam are called Muslims. Muslims are monotheistic and worship one, all-knowing God, who in Arabic is known as Allah. Followers of Islam aim to live a life of complete submission to Allahلفظ "اسلام" کا مطلب ہے "خدا کی مرضی کے آگے سر تسلیم خم کرنا۔" اسلام کے پیروکاروں کو مسلمان کہا جاتا ہے۔ مسلمان توحید پرست ہیں اور ایک، سب جاننے والے خدا کی عبادت کرتے ہیں، جسے عربی میں اللہ کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے۔ اسلام کے پیروکاروں کا مقصد یہ ہے کہ وہ اللہ کے سامنے مکمل تابعداری کی زندگی گزاریں۔ The cultural values of Islam include intense religious observance based on faithfulness to Allah and the teachings of Muhammad. They also include a strong sense of community in the religious and familial sense and a strong desire to build up a faithful Muslim society

The Myth, Secrets and Conspiracy of Natural Remedies


Welcome to "Nature's Remedy Haven" Dive into a world of holistic health with our enriching videos on herbs, natural foods, and wellness remedies. Discover the incredible benefits of nature's pharmacy as we decode ancient traditions and spotlight modern insights to elevate your well-being. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of herbal wisdom, exploring each plant's therapeutic properties. Elevate your immunity, energy levels, and overall balance with our informative videos that provide practical tips for seamlessly integrating nature's remedies into your daily life. Nature's Remedy Haven believes in harnessing Earth's treasures for the best in holistic wellness. Subscribe now to unlock a wealth of green inspiration and embark on a transformative journey. Cultivate a harmonious connection with nature's healing power in roots, leaves, and fruits. Visit http://www.richnomadiclife.com/nature's-remedy for more articles and exciting information.

The Voice of Stolen History


Thinking for ourselves is one of the remaining luxuries we still have. We are gifted with an ability to contemplate and to think critically. We are able to analyze and draw parallels between facts. History is written by the victors. Rulers of this world have their own agendas. Doubt there will be one person out there thinking that Governments do not lie. The question is how much? Divide and Rule remains in effect. And just like that new versions of history will keep on getting created. The StolenHistory.ORG blog was created for the purposes of solving the riddle of our true historical identity.