Azure Standard ~ Healthy Food, Direct to You Verified


Use RUMBLE15 for 15% off your first Azure order (first time purchase only, $100 minimum order, 1x use) .Azure Standard is a family-owned and independent company dedicated to providing you with high quality, affordable organic, natural and non-GMO groceries, health, household and garden products that meet your needs. We specialize in delivering quality bulk and natural foods. We're committed to bringing you thousands of carefully selected products chosen to bring you abundant health, in orders big or small. Membership is free.

Health &fitness


يتحدث الدكتور إيريك بيرج المُجاز في المعالجة اليدويّة عن حقيقة الحصول على جسم صحي أولاً ثم خسارة الوزن. إنه متخصص في الكيتوزية الصحية والصيام المُتقطّع. قدم د.بيرج ما يزيد على 4800 محاضرة في مواضيع مرتبطة بالصحة، كما درّب أكثر من 2500 دكتور حول العالم على أساليبه الطبية. يُبسّط الدكتور بيرج مواضيع الصحة المعقدة والمُربكة ويطرحها بشكل يسير للفهم يُسهّل الاستفادة منها. هذه القناة الرسمية الوحيدة باللغة العربية التابعة للدكتور بيرج، يمكنكم التواصل معنا على ايميل القناة أو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التابعة لهذه القناة: Facebook: ArabicDrBerg Instagram: Twitter: DrBergArabic Telegram: DrBergArabic

Melanie Halpert | Holistic Health & Human Design


As a recognized leader on the cutting edge of personal transformation with more than two decades in the field of holistic health, Melanie’s ability to see down into the core of things, to hone in on crucial details and to understand how they connect, allows her to do what she does best: to target and repattern that which unknowingly sabotages one’s ultimate well-being and greatest potential. Driven to empower others wherever they may be stuck, stagnant, victimized or lost in the shuffle of a chaotic world, she provides the possibility for a better way with practical, curated tools for individualized success.

The Epigenetic Whisperer & Integral Health


The first of its kind, multifaceted channel teaching how to manifest true sovereign autonomy with your money(bitcoin) and how to manifest true health autonomy on this planet through radical healing across Spirit, Mind and Body using the last 5,000 years of east and west medicine combined with the latest in science to provide multi-perspectival truths with the goal to unveil to all who are ready to see, that science and spirit are truly not two. The Epigenetic Whisper and his love, Sister Sophia cover multiple interrelated topics that we interweave with Divine Love, Gnosis, and Wisdom related to Bitcoin and Integral Health incorporating all aspects of Gaia’s (Earth) plant based medicines.

health and fitness


Hi friends! Welcome to my channel😄This channel is about HEALTH FITNESS AND PROPER WAYS ON HOW TO EXERCISE or DO IT THE RIGHT WAY. I'm sharing my knowledge about it through uploading videos, in this way I know that I am encouraging someone to IMPROVE MORE, LOVE THEMSELVES MORE, BE CONFIDENT MORE and through transforming themselves by exercising/working out, they will acquire a more POSITIVE OUTLOOK IN LIFE😊😊 K GOLD FITNESS believes that YOU CAN DO IT! fighting! 💪 - - - - Catch me on my other social media accounts. You can Follow and Subscribe there (if you want only😉) Also don't forget to hit the like, bell buttons so you will be notified everytime I upload new videos😄great right, see ya!

Healthy Perspectives / Jeremiah


Welcome to Healthy Perspectives hosted by Jeremiah Guidos. Jeremiah is an ordinary guy who is a licensed clinical professional counselor in multiple states. He hopes to address many cultural and social issues through a clinical lens to help other ordinary people take steps forward. There are multiple ways to follow along and participate in the process. Join him on the journey at: or continue to listen on Apple, Spotify, Google, Rumble and anywhere you find podcasts