Frequency Affirmations


Learn Positive Affirmations using our animated guided frequency meditation music videos with ASMR sounds. Kundalearni will also teach you how to carry out Kundalini Meditation, starting with opening and balancing your Root Chakra, all the way up to your Crown. 🎹 Our Sound Frequency Music is composed by our talented Musician 'AJ' and our affirmation Voice Overs are performed by our Voice Over, Oliver, both Real Humans! and all especially for Kundalearni.🎤 The Frequency music is composed specifically for our channel using the correct Kundalini frequencies. We'll also demonstrate the specific Chants and Mudras for you in a simple-to-follow way for each Chakra. ----------------------------------- *Disclaimer - Please consult your Physician/Doctor before undertaking any Kundalini practices. Kundalearni cannot accept responsibility for any adverse effects of practicing the meditations and techniques demonstrated on this channel. They are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk.



Welcome to MirageLive. Gameplay focused livestreams, let's plays, multiplayer sessions, and more. If I'm playin' chances are I'm streaming it. Live whenever I play. No set schedule. The best way to know when I'm going live is by following the channel and turning notifications on! FAQ's: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why don't you use a webcam on your livestreams? My livestreams are gameplay focused livestreams. I don't use a webcam because it takes away from the immersion, story telling, and gameplay the games I play offer. *If you wanna see what I look like, check out my podcast 'What Real People Think' hosted right here on Rumble. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why don't you talk a lot? Just not my style. I'm a quite dude. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you read chat? Sometimes, but I'm usually focused on the game I'm playing. Please don't take it personally <3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who makes your graphics? I do. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why did you start livestreaming? Because I really enjoy the atmosphere of livestreaming. Livestreaming lets me broadcast my favorite games to the world and maybe inspire viewers to play them if they haven't. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why aren't your streams longer? I typically try to stream 1.5-2hrs per session to make the VODS easier to view if people missed the livestream. Secondly, I'm a busy guy and oftentimes that's all the time I had for that day. Finally, I realize that the average person doesn't have time to sit there watching me play video games for 8 hours straight nor would I expect them to. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ About Mirage Mirage has been in the industry for a long time and has shared his passion of videos games with the world through countless medias over the years, including his well-known gaming blog (retired), multiple podcasts, guest features, as well as multiple successful gaming channels.

Živ Čovek Miran Rubin


Brata Mirana Rubina možete pratiti na: TikTok Profilu: ------------------------------------- FB Profil: ------------------------------------- VK profilu: ------------------------------------- YouTube: ------------------------------------- U slučaju blokade ovog kanala.Brata Mirana možete pratiti na sledećim linkovima: ------------------------------------- YouTube (II): ------------------------------------ YouTube (III): ------------------------------------ Rumble: ------------------------------------- BitChute: ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- RuTube: ------------------------------------- Slava Svevišnjem - Slava Rodu - Slava Slavenskoj Domovini #miran #rubin #zivcovek

Soul Fire Ascension With Raven and Lisa Lovelight


Mirror Mirror on the wall can you tell us the truth of it all. Welcome to Soul Fire Ascension with Raven and Jessamy As children we are not responsible for the programming we received, however as adults it is our responsibility to unlearn what we have learned and discover the real truth. It is our goal to awaken and activate others by deconstructing the programming. Expose others to different modalities of healing arts and education of ancient beliefs as well as new ones. Helping others realize who they are. helping others to connect with their higher selves and realize the God or Goddess dwells within us all. To reveal to the collective, source and the laws of one. To help others realize that we are self-healing. To help others to walk a path of beauty and love. When we heal ourselves, we heal our ancestors and future generations. Please share and subscribe and don’t miss out !

Homes Around The Villages, FL - With Ira Miller


Ira has worked in The Villages area for over 20 years. He worked for the developer of The Villages for 8 and a half years before moving on to ERA/Grizzard Realtors. In those 20 years Ira has sold over 700 homes mostly in The Villages but since joining ERA/Grizzard he has sold and listed homes outside of The Villages as well. Ira\\\'s philosophy is to give the best customer service that anyone can provide in Real Estate; that is number one. Anyone can sell a home but following up with folks, calling people back and going above and beyond the call of duty whether with his listings or servicing buying clients is what it is all about for Ira. Ira doesn\\\'t just have buying clients, he sells homes to friends that started out as clients. So give him a call; you\\\'ll have a friend in Real Estate.

Supernatural Revelation, Divine Insights into God the Universe, World's Creation, Laws of Creation-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Personality, Spirituality, Eternity, Temporality, Religion, Belief, Human Society, Culture, Law and Values, Salvation, Miracles


The Search for God, Eternity, Life after death and the Meaning of Life. Looking at How Science, Religion, Human Society, Culture and Values shape our worldview, laws, relationships, spirituality and the practice or lack thereof of Eternity and Miracles.