NASA videos


"Welcome to NASA Video, your gateway to the cosmos! Join us on an exhilarating journey through the universe as we showcase awe-inspiring footage, captivating documentaries, and real-time updates from the forefront of space exploration. From breathtaking celestial phenomena to cutting-edge missions and discoveries, our channel is dedicated to bringing you the wonders of space, expanding your knowledge, and inspiring your curiosity about the cosmos. Embark on an extraordinary adventure with NASA Video and explore the mysteries of the universe like never before."



Olá, pessoal! Este canal tem como princípio trazer vídeos com uma qualidade sonora superior e fazer com que uma das minhas maiores paixões, que são os sons da natureza (e alguns outros) sejam trazidos até vocês, para que vocês possam se curar, se livrar de uma depressão, meditar, relaxar, focar, se inspirar, estudar, dormir, tirar uma sonequinha, deixar algum som de fundo na sua clínica ou spa, e até mesmo se você se sente bem com certos tipos de sons ASMR. Espero fazer a sua vida um pouquinho mais agradável e quaisquer sugestões ou dúvidas, por favor deixem nos comentários. E se você gosta deste tipo de conteúdo, se INSCREVA ( e deixe o seu LIKE. E-mail para contato: Kosmonautics, take a deep breath and relax. Bem-vindos and Welcome! ;)


Hi, We're Dr. Sam Sims and Breanne Sims, RN. We worked for a decade to lose weight, we were overweight and at risk for many health conditions. We counted calories, macros, worked out, had our DNA tested, tried multiple diets and followed the recommendations of healthcare professionals. And being in healthcare, we knew what the textbooks said: "Eat Less, Exercise More." But nothing was working and we thought it was our fault. And then we learned that "Eat Less and Exercise More" has over a 99% long-term failure rate.* After a DECADE of trying to reach our goals with a 1% chance of success, we started Flexible Fasting and found out we were ONLY 6 months away from our goals the whole time!!! Today, we are living well below our original goal weights and have finally been able to maintain them long term. We were able to get our lives back with Flexible Fasting and so can you! Check out



Hello everyone I'm Fastrod I am a content creator on YT, I have started this channel because I've decided to expand to this platform, so having said that I am a big Fallout fan and automotive enthusiast, I will be talking about Cars, ...Fallout cars to be specific, as well as real-world cars & real-world car related topics such as; technical information about real-world vehicles and vehicles that inspired those of the games, also the companies behind real-world cars. I will also be sharing my personal theories on the cars in the fallout games. So in sum-up I will be doing my best to tackle anything and everything automotive about Fallout & the Fallout franchise