Humanity Verified


🙏🏼💚💛❤️Subscribe በማድረግ እውነትን እናዳርስ💚💛❤️🙏🏼 We stand for Humanity and unity not for Ethnic Federalism rather provinces Federalism. At the end of the day We all are Humans not expressed as politicians described or labeled us By Ethnic language ,region or Kilil. We are from soils we are for soil we will be eventually be soils Not the soil is ours. So please think like humans and live like Humans not as beasts living like politicians teritored you in Kilil.We Humans have rights to speak our God created language respect each other.We have right to travel and move from place to place to create social bases. That does not make us beasts to claim this is my area like animals which puts territory by urinating around where it lives. Humanity integrity respect and unity is the target of this media platform. Use it share it subscribe it support it and be the voice of voiceless. Thank you



Bem vindo ao canal Mundo AD! Nós do Mundo AD queremos levar curiosidades e entretenimento a todo Brasil via histórias contadas de maneira única. Aqui você verá tudo sobre o mundo em um formato de Top 10, Top 5, fatos interessantes e listas! Somos inspirados por canais como Você Sabia, Almanaque x, Refúgio Mental e Mundo Bizarro. Você tem uma ideia para um tema de vídeo? Deixe-nos saber nos comentários! Inscreva-se para não perder as nossas histórias recomendadas, sempre que publicarmos um novo vídeo! #mundoAD #curiosidades #top #entretenimento instagram @ayrondettmer facebook @ayrondettmer



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