In the Box: A Hockey Card Show


Welcome to the In the Box: A Hockey Card Show channel; my lil' place on Rumble! This video series showcases my hockey card mail days! I'm a collector; a completionist, if you will and since the mid 80s I have accumulated over 600,000+ cards into my personal collection and it continuously grows! I'm not a money motivated hobbyist, I'm a (true) collector; my focus is really about collecting in the purest sense. Welcome to my outlet to share my latest additions and to flap my lips about my life in the world of collecting hockey cards! So stick around and join me on this ride of collecting the way it was intended!

BackN The Box


Our content focuses on the items that we enjoy using. All of us tend to go through an exhausting amount of research prior to making a purchase. Sometimes we narrow the field down to a single item but on many occasions, the competition is just too good to overlook. Thankfully all of our favorite shopping destinations have a return policy. So, whether we buy from Amazon or Zappos, from Apple's to Zelda and everything in between, we will share our honest opinions with you. Join us to find out what we keep and what goes Back'n the Box.