Quest for Gear

10 Followers We love music gear. We love watching gear reviews, unboxings, studio tours - all of it. So our goal is simple... to make a successful channel where we review as much music gear as we possibly can, specifically geared towards home recording enthusiasts. The Channel is entirely comedic satire and parody opinion and should be taken seriously by nobody. Drums, Guitars, Horns, Synthesizers, Mixing Boards, Plugs Ins, we're going to review it all. Like and Subscribe today! The Channel is entirely comedic satire and parody opinion and should be taken seriously by nobody. When we say 's processing fee's are entirely too high and nobody should pay them , we are saying so in a funny, comedy way - but also - go see their fee's for yourself, they are really, really, really, really high - and reverb . com is hiking the price of music gear the whole world over thanks to their corporate greed.



Hello everyone! Andrey "Gidra94" Ryabinin is with you! I am a Youtuber from Russia, live in Moscow. This channel is a combined, re-forged continuation of my now closed channels "Andrey Ryabinin", "Gidra94 Reactions", "Gidra94 Games"and" Gidra94 All sorts of Stuff". Now all my content will be published on this new channel, namely reactions, letsplay, vlogs, reviews and other content (which I don't know how to classify:)). Videos will be released frequently, but there is no schedule as such, mostly during the day or in the evening. Do not forget to subscribe to the channel, put likes or disslike, leave your comments, and also do not forget to subscribe to my social networks, so as not to miss the release of new videos. Enjoy your viewing!