The Oracle of Athena


This channel will focus on Mathematical, Logical, and Philosophical topics, especially paradoxes and conundrums that I think will engage a large segment of the people who have an above average interest in such things. I will occasionally stray into other areas that have logical or mathematical roots or for which I believe I can share an important and interesting insight. The views and solutions presented are uniquely my own, based upon my experiences and thoughts and analysis concerning a topic. Because most ideas are wrong as I have been reminded, you will probably find weaknesses in the ideas presented on this channel. However, that may be the price we pay for focusing on our own thoughts about a topic. If you are looking for the high probability presentation or opinion, you are not likely to find it here. That may mean that I am wrong more than right. You be the judge. I am hoping that instead of being right, I am presenting an interesting and useful perspective.

The No Choice Man


no decision no confusion no conflict Contact for Natural Hygiene Consultation I have a dream of creating Edens all over the world, especially in the tropics, where we can reverse cellular degeneration / acidosis eat fruit in abundance and play. THE ANSWER IS NATURAL HYGIENE There is no superficial cure outside of you, one must radically change lifestyle. Also, help expose the child slaves in the underground and eliminate this slavery system / elite insurance plan. #OccupyTheGetty #StevenDKelley firends n family support: monthlysupport:

Brian Tyler Cohen


Brian Tyler Cohen is a progressive political host known for breaking down the top US political content. Subscribe to see daily breaking news clips followed by in-depth commentary; interviews with top political figures (including President Biden, VP Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Katie Porter, Jamie Raskin, Pete Buttigieg, Jen Psaki, and many more); weekly video podcasts for a deep-dive into the week's most important stories; and live-streams of major events, from debates to election results. If you have just a few minutes a day, Brian's videos will keep you informed on exactly what's going on, why it's important, and how it affects you-- always in a way that you can understand. The goal of this channel is to give a clear, concise, honest, and entertaining look at what's happening in politics right now, because politics should be accessible to everyone.

Orlando Owen


Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Rumble Kanal, Mein Name ist Orlando Owen und ich bin Deutschlands führender Männlichkeitscoach und Mentor. Ich veröffentliche jede Woche Videos zu Themen wie Mannwerdung, Selbstwertgefühl, Beziehungen und vielen anderen spannenden Themen. Lass mich gerne wissen, was Dir das jeweilige Video gebracht hat und schreibe Deine Fragen in die Kommentare! Wenn Du mehr erfahren möchtest und wenn Du vor allem wissen möchtest was Du in Deiner Situation konkret tun kannst besuche uns auf oder schreib uns eine Email an Ich freue mich Dich bald persönlich kennen zu lernen. So long, dein Orlando

Women Impacting The Nation Verified


The mission of Women Impacting the Nation is to educate and equip women and men with knowledge of God’s truth about issues that impact our faith, family and freedoms, and to support those who take a stand for those Judeo-Christian values upon which our country is founded. Sue Trombino, President/Founder - founded Women Impacting the Nation (W.I.N.) in the fall of 2005 because she felt called to make a difference. Her passion for empowering people with God’s truth and her strong love of America are the principles on which the foundation of W.I.N. is built. Both are the driving force behind Sue’s tireless passion to make a difference. It is her passion to embolden every Christian and American to get involved in saving the moral compass of America. You will often hear Sue ask “What does God say?” #TalkTruth #TakeAction #WIN #WINTalkRadio #WINTalks #WINPrayerPraisePasta Learn more here: Contact us:

The NFL With AJL


The NFL With AJL is an NFL heavy LIVE podcast centered around all things football. Player trades, rumors, stories, lists, rankings, analysis, you name it. High energy, in-depth takes will keep you locked and loaded on The NFL With AJL 🚨Find me on ALL social media platforms @thenflwithajl ✅Please subscribe to the channel, like the videos/stream, hit the bell to never miss a post, comment, follow, message me about what you want to see on the show! 🔴LIVE Tuesdays and Fridays at 7 PM ET on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch 💬Please leave your honest review of the podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts! ✅Available on ALL podcast platforms! 🏠SPONSOR: @buyandsellwithajl For All Your Worldwide Professional Real Estate Needs