¡Aprende electrónica ya!


Canal enfocado a la creación de cursos y tutoriales de electrónica, microcontroladores, arduino, ESP32, STM32, PIC, AVR, raspberry py, bluepill, blackpill, mycropython, Free-RTOS, electrónica analógica y electrónica digital. También compartimos proyectos de electrónica. Todo el contenido es para novatos y aficionados a la electrónica, para que aprendan de forma amena y desde cero todos los conceptos básicos que les permitirán realizar sus propios proyectos. Te invitamos a que te suscribas y compartas el contenido para llegar a más entusiastas.

Eliandir vocal covers


I am an ordinary guy from Poland who loved to sing since childhood and dreamed of becoming the lead singer of a gothic rock and metal band. Dreams remained dreams, life went its way. Today's technology and common access to decent microphones allowed me to finally fulfill my childhood dreams in my own way. When it comes to singing, I'm a total amateur. I did not finish any music school. All I have is a bit of wasted talent and a love of music. Sometimes that's just enough. Welcome to my vocal world. I currently record my vocals with the RODE NT-USB microphone.



The topics I will cover include [but are not limited to] government programs, conspiracies, wars and propoganda, the nature of human freedom, the financial system, and historical events (Oct 7th, 9/11, etc.). Resources I will use include [but are not limited to] books (non-fiction), articles (journal/popular), documents (leaked/released), and interviews, a subset of which will be primary sources. My academic and professional backgrounds consist of neuroscience and software engineering. I often find myself trying to figure out how to explain critical information to younger and younger audiences, so I will be introducing the occasional children’s book (a subset of which will be written and illustrated by myself).