Welcome To Empowering Growth!


Life After 30? It's Just Getting Started! Stuck in a rut? Dreaming of a new career or starting your own business? Navigating a major life change? Welcome to Life After 30: Level Up! Your go-to channel for all things adulting, career pivots, and embracing the awesome possibilities that life throws your way. We're dishing out: Real Talk: Honest conversations about the challenges and triumphs of life after 30. Actionable Advice: Tips and strategies to make your dreams a reality. Inspiration: Stories of amazing people who've made incredible life changes. Community: Connect with like-minded people who understand. Content you can expect: Career Change: When to make the leap, finding transferable skills, landing your dream job. Entrepreneurship: Side hustles, finding your niche, building a business, balancing it all. Personal Growth: Managing stress, building confidence, navigating relationships, finding your purpose. Subscribe now and hit that notification bell! It's time to level up your life after 30!

AppliancePartsPros Repair Help Verified


Welcome to the AppliancePartsPros.com YouTube channel! We empower DIY enthusiasts with the knowledge and high-quality, below-retail priced OEM parts to repair their appliances. Why choose us? We provide a 365-day warranty on parts, comprehensive repair guides, and expert tech support. Experience fast deliveries (94% within 1-2 days) and our 365-day return policy. Our award-winning, US-based customer support team are not just friendly but experts, offering you top-notch service. Join millions who've revitalized their appliances with us. Visit us at https://www.appliancepartspros.com or call 877-477-7278. Here's to the DIY spirit, one appliance repair at a time!

The Apprentice 2024


Why shouldn't Donald Trump pick an ordinary guy trying to do something extraordinary for his running mate? Join me in encouraging President Trump to open up the competition to a wider range of potential VP choices and have all of them work together to communicate a message of hope to a nation in distress, and then to keep working together right through the general election and beyond after he chooses his running mate at the Republican National Convention. Let the best man (or woman) win in a populist contest to become Vice President of the United States!

Ask Dr. G. Psychologist any question.


Want to ask a therapist a question? Having difficulties in life or situations that are hard to navigate? Whatever it might be, here is your chance to ask me, Dr. G. a psychologist of 16 years, to help come along side you to tackle what might be troubling you. Why pay large therapy bills when you can come here and get straight-to-the-point guidance. I am a Christian foremost and view the world and all its problems and goodness through this lens. I will take my years of experience and knowledge and share with you right here on Rumble in a brief-focused-practical manner healthy ways to navigate life. Subscribe and ask your question in the comments section and I will respond in my videos. If I don't get to your question, I hope you find value from the questions that are answered. I don't know where this will lead but God does and that's all I need to know.

I help you make money online!


I help you make money online! Making money online is not that hard. There are many ways to make money online and you can do it in a very short time. There are some sites that show the ways to make money online, but sometimes they are not accurate. So I will tell you the best ways to make money online - These are curated ways which I have found useful. Do subscribe to get notified every time I release a video - https://www.youtube.com/@arigatodhan?sub_confirmation=1

The Bear's View


While I was running, a strong feeling came over me to proclaim my true faith in our living, loving God. At around 6:00 am each day, I will profess to the world my faith in God & Jesus , share a funny anecdote (or 2, or 3) about my life and my dog, and say the Lords Prayer. We will see where this goes. I really have a passion for helping the Homeless. See...The Bear (that is me) was "unhomed" in 2019. That is when I thought of starting Humans4HelpingHumans. My dream is: To go to just one city (big or small), and make sure everyone eats for just one day. Then figure out how I can repeat that the next day. Baby steps. Actually, I have a bunch of great ideas. There is no reason that anyone should be without food. So that is it in a nutshell. God loves you unconditionally (and so does your dog, which is God backwards - coincidence? - Hmmm) Have a blessed day!