Overland & Outdoor Adventure Videos


Welcome To The Channel. I Post Videos Every Sunday. On my channel you will primarily find outdoor adventure videos related to Overlanding and Truck camping. Exploring the outdoors gives me a sense of adventure. I must find out what lies around the next bend. I must discover what may be on the mountain or trail I have yet to explore. But what's for certain is that I always find solitude and peace in the beauty of the outdoors. If I in some way can inspire others to get out there and experience the outdoors then I am satisfied. Contact Me At JonnyTacoOutdoors@gmail.com

Animal Adventures


If you're looking for a workout buddy, a cat may not be your best choice. While cats are known to be agile and will occasionally spend time playing games with you, they aren't known to be athletic, per se. Dogs, on the other hand, are usually great exercise pals. Many breeds enjoy running and hiking, and will happily trek along on any trip. Just because cats aren't into exercise, doesn't mean they aren't nimble. Cats have lean muscles and will pounce or leap when stalking prey, even if that prey happens to be a fun feather toy you're swaying back and forth on the carpet. Playtime with dogs and cats is also very different. While many dogs enjoy a game of fetch, cats will often watch you toss a ball, and then walk away, unwilling to join in on your game. For a cat, fun playtime may consist of pouncing on your feet when you're lying under the covers and sleeping. Cats are nocturnal animals, says the Animal Humane Society, and enjoy playing at night, when your dog is most likely snoring gently.

Science. Adventure. Discovery.


The world is changing. It is being challenged more now than at any other time in history. And it’s being challenged by humankind. We owe it to the planet and each other to do all we can to take care of this Earth. First of all, this is our home. It shelters us and takes care of us—it makes us possible. Secondly, we do not have the right to jeopardize another person’s quality of life. We at least owe it to each other to not destroy this amazing place we call Earth, our home. This channel is about raising awareness of the endangered ecosystems that are found around the world. We explore the science of climate change, what we know, and, more importantly, what we don’t know. To understand climate change better, we need to understand better how the Earth works. For example, we can ask questions: how do we take care of wildlife in a changing climate? How do we not make it worse? How do we take care of each other? Maybe if we answer just one of those questions, the others will get answered too. The world is an amazing place; our lives are a gift. We hope you come along with us for the adventure of discovery.