Creative Artists Uniting for the Sovereignty of Everyone


An Epic Weekend of Liberty-Centered Music, Comedy, Lectures, Live Podcasts, Aerial-Acrobatics, Community-Building, and MORE! Many of you are aware of the culture creation and social engineering that has been done via the arts. It’s time we celebrate the creativity and beauty of humanity with art that is pro-humanity, takes ownership of free will, personal sovereignty & personal agency & is celebrated in person with other freedom minded souls! The powers that be want to create an atomized, transhuman leading to post-human world controlled by an AI hive/borg mind that has humans siloed in the Metaverse programmed by them! The best antidote to their plans is to be radically human! ​ Join us to honor Art, Humanity and Liberty for all!



IL FILO DEL MAGISTRATO. PIATTAFORMA multimediale di PROVE DIRETTE AUDIO VIDEO E DOCUMENTI. La intera cordata deviata romana e i collegamenti esterni. Altro che le SALLUSTIADI !! “Quis quid ubi quibus auxiliis cur quomodo quando” —> "Chi fa, cosa, dove, quando, perché e come, con quali ausili" <— ""Ποιος κάνει με τι, πού, πότε, γιατί και πώς".

Hi everyone, I am Samir Ferecov and wellcome to my channel.


Hi everyone, I am Samir Ferecov and wellcome to my channel. Auto Service videos, specially on Mercedes w 210, are presented to you in this channel. If you really want to learn about car repairing tips of Mercedes-Benz automobiles you can be sure that this channel will serve your purpose. I regularly upload videos on various car issues, such as, cleaning led headlights, giving car tyres deep black shine, assembling and disassembling individual parts of cars and etc. I hope you will enjoy my channel and learn many things on car service. Thanks to all. Comment, like and subscribe to my channel: Let me know what you think. My e-mail: