📀Consciousness: 20 Scientists Explore the Toughest Question (2003) - Archive


https://odysee.com/@ConsciousnessDVD:b Disc 1 1- Dr. Stuart hameroff, M.D. 2- David Chalmers, Ph.D. 3- Nancy J. Woolf, Ph.D. 4- W. Britton, U.A. Tucson Disc 2 1- Dick Bierman, Ph.D. 2- Jack A. Tuszynski, Ph.D. 3- Dr. Andrew Newberg 4- Chester Wildey. M.Sc. Disc 3 1- Paavo Pylkkanen, Ph.D. 2- Dean Radin, Ph.D. 3- Tony Bell, Ph.D. 4- C. Seiter, U. Freiburg Disc 4 1- Dr. Steven Sevush 2- Dr. Petra Stoerig, Ph.D. 3- Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. 4- Susan Blackmore 5- Professor Youngman Disc 5 1- V. Ramachandran, Ph.D. 2- Gregg Rosenberg, Ph.D. 3- Ellery Lanier, Ph.D. 4- Adele Engel Behar 5- Lee Frank, Poet

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Starcharged Records | British Music & Audio


Join me from King of the Rode Studios in Somerset, as I broadcast the very normy, but potent specialisms of poetry, yoga nidra and spoken word performance from the artists local to Somerset and Yorkshire. Enjoy featured DJ mixsets and new music releases and unpublished poems from the long island of Britain. Access my own creative writing resources and networks to showcase your poetry or lyrical works, without compromising your ownership by learning how to host content and approach publishers in the WW2 and Web3 space. This is a creator friendly zone and a somewhat rebelious yet respectfully balanced channel to follow for both inspiration, entertainment and humor transmuted from misery! Liveley, funny and challenging poetry and songs, made in England.

Der Dorftherapeut - Politische Irrenanstalt


Willkommen in der Irrenanstalt – wo Deutschlands verrückteste Politik endlich die Therapie bekommt, die sie dringend braucht. Ich bin der Dorftherapeut, dein (leicht sarkastischer) Begleiter. Nach fast 30 Jahren als Therapeut habe ich umgesattelt auf politische Notfallhilfe – mit einer Mischung aus Satire, Fakten und einer gesunden Portion schwarzem Humor. In der Irrenanstalt seziere ich Deutschlands täglichen Wahnsinn mit scharfer Satire, brutaler Ehrlichkeit und null Toleranz für Mainstream-Märchen. Wenn du Nachrichten lieber ungefiltert, unzensiert und gnadenlos ehrlich magst, bist du hier genau richtig. Abonniere und stelle dich dem Chaos. Also: Lass uns spielen!

Eustis Roofing Company


About Us: ` Eustis Roofing Company is a family-owned and operated business since 1959. We are based in Tavares, Florida, and proudly serve Central Florida. We all work together as a team to be the most dedicated roofing company in our service area to provide our homeowners with the highest quality materials and craftsmanship for all their roofing needs. We value our employees, our customers, and our reputation to give the highest standards of service. We want you to see our teamwork in action to provide a view of who we are, how we operate, educate, inform and bring value to our industry. We specialize in installing Architectural-grade fiberglass shingle installation, as well as metal roofs, specialty roofs, flat roofs, and manufactured-housing roofs. Along with roof installation, we also inspect and repair leaky roofs. Let's connect! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EustisRoofingCompany Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eustisroofing/ Need a roofing estimate? Call (352) 343-4240 or visit eustisroofing.com.