The War Within - will determine our fate v. the [DS]


Victory (for Patriots) not only requires that we battle the [DS] wherever and whenever possible. It also requires that we understand ourselves and in increasingly (like exercising and strengthening a muscle) stay on top of our emotions, thoughts, especially our words. The power and responsibility of how we manifest or project our will in this world of form can't be under-stated. This is true because the first and most important aspect of this battle (although it seems largely political) will be won through discipline (or the term I like is self-mastery) or through disciplined introspection and honing our God given tools of discernment and good-judgement through strict attention and intention management. as we learn about disappointing, ugly and even horrific truths about those who oppose our individual freedom and (as we'll be learning) the strength (and reliability) of our spiritual connect with Source/God/HigherPower SpiritInTheSky...etc., and it's the mastery of this very aspect of ourselves which will make one of the most important (but little talked about) phases of actions in our energy (a narrow focus of

Exploring Beyond Our Imagination


"Welcome to 'Beyond Our Imagination'! 🚀 Embark on a journey of discovery as we delve into the mysteries of the cosmos and explore the boundless wonders that lie beyond. Join us as we unravel the secrets of the universe, from distant galaxies to mind-bending phenomena. Prepare to be amazed, inspired, and awestruck by the marvels that await us in the great expanse. Subscribe now to join our community of cosmic enthusiasts and expand your horizons with us!"

Advanced Spiritual and Scientific School using The Urantia Book as our textbook


I discuss many amazing and beautiful new startling truths about this planet, the universe, The Lucifer Rebellion and the battle between good and evil, New facts about Jesus, the invisible angelic planetary government, life on other planets, the quarantine of our planet from the rest of the evolutionary planets, Divine Creation, Science and Spirituality and History combined from Paradise, to the local universe, to this planet and on other planets. That love, goodness, beauty and truth rule Creation and to have no fear of death, for our souls most assuredly continue on in endless adventure and perfection towards God.