NickV Ministries


I am Nick Vujucic, born without arms or legs. Welcome to these life-changing resources. NickV Ministries is all about sharing this same hope and genuine love that I have personally experienced with people all over the globe. Doors seem open to a man without arms and legs much more easily than to anyone else. We thank God for providing that privilege. I have been invited into very unexpected places to share my faith in Jesus Christ and literally millions have responded. We hope you will watch, engage with, and share the videos on our channel! To learn more about the ministry visit

NickMal Gaming


Just kinda doing whatever video games related stuff for YouTube on the side more or less for fun and hope it ends up going some place. I'd really like to play games to their fullest and make fair reviews based on what I've seen. I am always open to suggestions of what to play next but also kinda trying to keep up with new releases as well, I will attempt to have video's posted daily at 10am US Eastern. Also be warned, I tend to just run into new games blindly and learn about them over time as I record gameplay. Mostly just because I'm a dope that like's to make things harder on himself. I'm not a professional gamer to any degree, just an idiot who tend's to suck at games that and games tend to hate me. As always I hope you guys enjoy!

Anything Nice to Say Verified


Mama always used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Well, maybe she was on to something. At Anything Nice to Say, we aim to watch the movies society says are bad and try to find the nice things about them. It also might turn into weird threads of conjecture as we navigate some of the unanswered questions and greater implications of plot points in the movies. Just because a movie is "bad" doesn't mean we can't find anything nice to say. Never be ashamed to like what you like.