Clyde Rouge Ambient and Meditation


Meditation music with a difference. This channel is a place to showcase the deeper and more meditative side of my work. After many years of making music for the dancefloor I found myself experimenting with binaural beats and meditation music. I found that much of the meditation music available online was very loop based and repetitive, I set out to create something different. Originally these tracks were for my own personal use when I needed to relax or get into a creative headpsace. I've since discovered that they can help others and so now I'm sharing them on YouTube. There are many arguments over the effectiveness of binaural beats and I'm not here to convince people one way or the other. All I know if that they work for me, maybe they can work for you too.

Lambs Hill USPSA


As a newcomer to the United States Practical Shooting Association, I created this channel to pass along helpful tips and information to anyone who is new to or thinking about getting into USPSA or any form of competitive shooting. On this channel you will find everything USPSA, from match videos, to rules discussions, to gear reviews. If you enjoy the content on this channel, please let me know by liking the videos and subscribing to the channel! -Safety Notice- I encourage the safe and responsible ownership of firearms. All activities performed on this channel are done in a safe, controlled environment. *Lambs Hill USPSA is not produced or endorsed by the US Practical Shooting Association. All opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of USPSA or any of its members*