Gardening channel for viewers to learn How To Videos, Get Inspiration, Learn about Plants, shrubs and trees. Learn how to design a flower garden. Learn how to get thick green grass. Inspiration for new houses on small lots to design flower gardens, container gardening. Learn how to maintain a flower garden: prune boxwoods, shrubs, David Austin roses, fertilizer, weeding. Learn how to have your own cut flower garden, from seeds and dahlia tubers. How to create massive blooms for a large impact from the road.

Family of 10 Vlog: Graves8


We are a large family of 10 ages 8-19 who love Travel, Music, and have homeschooled for over 15 years. We live in a 1930\\\'s church we\\\'ve been remodeling for 20 years!!! - Subscribe for around the house videos of our crazy life with 8 kids, holidays, travel, meals, the occasional challenge (with a lesson) and music videos! - Yes all 8 kids in this big family came from one mother and father! And they help choose and create the content for our channel. - Mom and dad work from home producing music and videos and are slowing teaching all 8 kids both arts along with daily chores & homeschool lessons.