Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Oh My!


Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation. The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms, people have been claiming that they’ve had real-life contact with other-worldly beings, often in violent and traumatic abductions.

Your Health From the Ground Up!


Certified holistic health practitioner, nutritionist, and traditional apothecary/herbalist Rebecca Roentsch Montrone employs the modalities of diet, lifestyle management, nutritional supplements, bio-identical hormones, and botanicals to help bring healing and optimize health. Whether you are dealing with serious illness or simply looking for a “tune-up,” Rebecca welcomes the opportunity to help you achieve your health-related goals. Set up an appointment with her for a nutritional consultation and get to the root of your health problem.

Russian is Worth Speaking


Ever-growing collection of Arabic, Russian, and Turkish content, formed into parallel compositions. It's content I wish I'd had. It's content I still use. Arabic channel: Russian channel: Turkish channel: Go to if you'd like free pdf transcripts. Language is worth speaking. Level Explanation Level 1: Segmented by phases and small complete sentences. Level 2: Segmented primarily by complete sentences. Level 3: Segmented primarily by paragraphs. Arabic-only: Presented in Arabic only. English-only: Presented in English only. Russian-only: Presented in Russian only. Turkish-only: Presented in Turkish only.