White Stone Reward


A fellowship of Brothers in Christ, that are coming together under the Head that is Christ, not to argue, debate, tear down, or judge our fellow body, but to edify, encourage, testify, and overcome. We only interpret Scripture with Scripture, we don't place any confidence in the flesh, and we place no confidence in our own human reasoning. We believe in God's Word, so our answer to any question is " what does God say?" #whitestonereward #newchristian #biblestudy

Red, White & LOLs: Political Comedy


"Welcome to Red, White & LOLs, where politics meets punchlines! Dive into the wild, wacky, and downright hilarious side of U.S. politics. From debate bloopers to campaign craziness, we serve up the funniest moments in the political arena with a side of satire. Whether you lean left, right, or somewhere in between, there’s something here to make you laugh out loud! Subscribe now and enjoy a front-row seat to the comedy show that is American politics."

Black N White America - Exposing the Gray


It is the mission that Black N White America brings to light the origins, motives, and means of the ideologies that create hot button issues in American. We believe ignorance, apathy, and indifference are the true destroyers of Our Society. We have seen media, politicians, and the academic society use or create ignorance for unjust gain or change. In all of these major issues there is the concept of “one side vs. the other side” Our leaders have pushed the idea of moderation in all things. Thus, creating a confusing GRAY Area. We are Patriots, Christians, and above all we strive to be honest. The truth will set you free.