The Red Pill For Women: Escape The Alternative Health Matrix


I am a former chronically sick woman. I had eight autoimmune diseases, an eating disorder, ADD, and anxiety and depression. After years of struggling with Western and Alternative Medicine, I was Red-Pilled, an awakening that woke me up to the realization that my emotional state was the true root cause of ALL my conditions. When I resolved my emotional state by going from Camp Victim to Camp Taking Responsibility, I permanently healed all my autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses. I now teach online educational courses that take others down this same healing journey that I took. All your chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases are coming from the same place, your emotional state, and can be permanently healed - without supplements, medication, or food protocols. Welcome; I am so glad you are here. Let’s get Red-Pilled and Escape the Alternative Health and Wellness Matrix. 👉 My FREE Autoimmune and Chronic Illness 101 Course: 👉 Complimentary Consultation:

Come to Meme


Come to Meme 😎 Satify Urur Needs 😏 Vote for 🌎 World Peace ✌️ by clicking Follow! 🙏 Join me as I bring you the funniest memes on the web 🥸 Let's share some laughs! 😄 Some are already calling this the funniest show online! They shall remain anonymous, however. 😉 On this channel, I share compilations of funny memes of all kinds (from the funniest videos, to the funniest GIF/picture-and-text memes on the internet) and my reactions to each of them! 😎 Remember, on this channel 😹 if you laugh, you win! 😂 We all know it's best to discuss life and current world events through memes, because we can all laugh and have fun together, as a fun community! 😎 Join the community! 🙌 Click to Follow 👉 Enjoying this channel? You might enjoy my other channels as well: James "Immortal CORE" Jabbour: Immortal CORE Yoga: Come to Meme @CometoMeme

Living Men and Living Women


We are Done! Normal, Just Do It! Be Free! Just stop being batshit crazy! Enough IS Enough. Governments will not stop their insanity, only the Living Men and Living Women can stop this evil, will you add your Will & Voice? Living Men and Living Women teaming together for our common good. It's time Governments were forced to bail out the "Living", not bail out the Dead Corpse-orations at the expense of the Living Men and Living Women, enough is enough! #Rise #WeAreDone #BeFree

Keto Meals and Recipes


People choose ketogenic diets for a variety of reasons. On this channel, I describe low-carb, high-fat recipes to support a keto diet, and show that you may still enjoy a huge number of satisfying easy and gourmet meals, side dishes, desserts and other treats. In many cases, the recipes are ketogenic versions of international favorites. As well as meeting low-carb, keto requirements, the recipes are gluten-free, grain free and sugar free. They will please the whole family, those on keto diets for their health or diet goals, and others who have specific metabolic needs related to diabetes, celiac disease, epilepsy and various inflammatory conditions, in need of variety and nutrient-dense meals.