

is a Channel about Corrado Tuccitto an Italian composer of catchy melodies. By the age of 12 Corrado had already an active career as pianist and a singer and was awarded a medal of excellence by the president of the Chamber of Deputies Luciano Violante at the age of 17. Defining his music in just one style is too difficult. All the good music is essential for living like the good food, he says. He has grown up by listening music of Scarlatti, Bellini, Puccini. Since his early years, Corrado devoted every minute of his waking time to create melodies using the most unexpected tools like bottles, water etc.. For him a great melody is a great melody and - is evergreen - is an universal language of the soul not a fashion - doesn\'t need Hot Images to be featured.

TopSecret Chat [ITALIANO]


Benvenuto al canale ufficiale di TopSecret Chat su Rumble! TopSecret Chat è un'applicazione di messaggistica per comunicazioni non-rintracciabili, con identità anonima e sicurezza di grado-militare. Siamo finanziati e supportati dalla collaborazione libera e senza scopo di lucro di volontari e utenti, uniti sotto l'organizzazione non-governativa Bona Fide NGO basata in Irlanda che è impegnata in missioni di impatto sociale. I tuoi suggerimenti per migliorare il servizio sono sempre benvenuti, grazie! Website: Mastodon: LinkedIn: Facebook:

Vitamin Jay


My name is Jay. I believe that the path to excellence and abundance is no more difficult than the average path, simply different, and challenging in different ways. We all want to be wealthy, fit, calm, powerful, and loved. I believe there are superior and inferior means of accomplishing these goals, and by working smarter, not harder, anyone can live a fantastic life. By following the path of others, you end up just as they do. Normal. Average. If you wish to live a uniquely special life, you must operate differently. Different with your health. Different with your finances. Different with your very mindset and beliefs. If reading this resonates with you, then I know I have found a compatriot, and sincerly welcome you to stick around.