KJV Bible Reviewer


-I review KJV Bibles -I believe in Jesus Christ and believe that he was alive, died and rose again. I believe and trust in his gift of salvation and that it can never be lost. I believe that the KJV is the word of God that is without error. I believe that Jesus Christ will return after the great tribulation and will rule on Earth for 1000 years. -I am King James Version Only (KJV Only or KJVO) which means I believe that the Bible was preserved in the KJV for English speaking people and that modern bibles are corrupt: https://rumble.com/vjx6py--new-world-order-bible-versions-full-documentary.html https://rumble.com/v281sjo--the-preserved-bible-full-documentary.html -I believe in once saved always saved (OSAS) and easy believism: https://rumble.com/v1c7xez-once-saved-always-saved-2014-february-23.html -I believe in a pre-wrath, post tribulation rapture: https://rumble.com/v29fiy2-after-the-tribulation.html

Bible Education Institute


Making the Bible simple to understand, Bible Education Institute, (BEI) Biblical Counseling Consulting Program and BEI School of Biblical Studies Program are here to give answers to your questions found in the Bible. Providing Biblical Education and Counseling Service including Bible Studies and Church Services. Our Goal is to Teach the real Word of God (the Bible) and to create Bible Studies and Churches everywhere fulfilling the "Great Commission" Matthew 28:19-20. Financial donation\'s are greatly appreciated to assist with the many cost to fulfill Christ\'s Great Commission to us all. Make all donations out to: New Life Church Baptist and send donations to our Mailing address only: Bible Education Institution 624 Tyvola Rd. Ste 103-166, Charlotte NC 28217, Phone 910-747-5215, bibleeducationinstitute@gmail.com & bible-education-institute.webnode.com

Bible Academy


An online Bible study for Christians who desire to know God through his written word from the original languages. Bible Academy is a missionary outreach. Its ministry is to teach the Bible to all believers who desire sound Bible teaching in their pursuit to follow Christ. We use the original languages to acquire the most accurate understanding of Scripture. Our goal is to move every student of the Word towards spiritual maturity by the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry or building up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12). Website: Bibleacademyonline.com

Founder's Bible Readings


For what it's worth. I've decided to read The Founders Bible, out loud, on Rumble. 2200+ pages. I'm at LEAST going to try to do a page a day. I've never read the bible. I am no good at reading. I definitely ain't good at public speaking... Seemed like a nice little project and it also provides accountability for myself. I am a heathen. I cuss. I say goofy shit. I am not politically correct but I don't believe I am vulgar (and if i am, i really don't care). This is for Me. If you'd like to join along with me, you are more than welcome too. Probably going to take me awhile. Thanks. I've also started adding them to youtube (because they have a better playlist feature, that's it, let's get on the ball Rumble) https://www.youtube.com/@GreatGonzoChops/playlists