Notiziario Stargate Q Sierra


Pagina ufficiale qui sotto nel link , si prega di consultare sempre la fonte di origine.Grazie Notiziario Stargate io sono sierra. Sono un ambasciatore galattico per la Luce. Ci sono molti ambasciatori galattici sulla Terra in questo momento. Siamo venuti per aiutare l'umanità ad ascendere alla Quinta Dimensione. L'amata Gaia è già a buon punto nella sua Ascensione. Condividerò con voi il mio personale viaggio di Ascensione e i miei pensieri sugli eventi globali. Benvenuto. Dove andiamo uno andiamo tutti!



I want to thank all the new subscribers to my music channel, I don't take any of you for granted because anyone that listens is a blessing! Please smash, like, subscribe because I don't do "Screw Tube". Google is evil! I do some acoustic covers and originals and I'm trying to form a rock band on the side called "The Dead Rockstars" and mainly this channel is for that! I'm working on this project: The Dead Rockstars 2024 Demo - I'm shooting for about 6 Original songs and maybe 1 cover. As of right now I'm having do do everything (Guitars, base, vocals, drums, song writing) myself. So these songs take time. But, I'll do my best to put out good quality music here. History? Well i got into music when I was 15 down on Florida. I could write a damn book on the high strangeness of my music career. I've been in a long string of various bands playing keyboard, bass, and guitars. I even had a short stint as the singer in a skate-thrash band for a few months when i was 17 in high school!