

These videos are for educational use only. These suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and by a jury of their peers. Police presence is always requested at the scene upon completion of the interview. We, Pred Slayers, hold all the rights to these videos. We do not condone harassment or violence towards these individuals. We publish this footage to show the reality of the dangers of children online and allow parents and/or guardians to see what our children see daily. We can only fix this if we as parents and/or guardians fight to end this and allow our children to be safe online. If you feel like supporting our cause please do so on CashApp @ $marlborotoke420 (Toe) or $purplerose320 Only we as a community and as a society can fix this problem that we have. We are NOT I repeat NOT law enforcement and never introduce or present ourselves as such.



I am a 31 year old streamer who loves playing video games ever since I could remember. I am an entrepnuer and currently own 2 different business that I truly love. One of them is a Restoration business and the other is an Escape Room business. I had open heart surgery at the age of 19 years old and they ended up putting a mechanic aortic valve in me.My gamertag and username reflects the procedure i had and the year I was married. I now believe to live life to the fullest.

Playlist Católica


Este Canal é dedicado a divulgação de Cantores, Ministérios e Bandas Católicas e Especialmente Dedicado a Todos Irmãos que desejam estar sintonizados no Amor de Deus através da Musica Católica. Se você é um Cantor Católico, tem Uma Banda Católica ou um Ministério que gostaria de divulgar, entre em contato, será uma grande alegria para nós divulgarmos o seu trabalho de evangelização! "O DOM MUSICAL, QUANDO COLOCADO A SERVIÇO DA FÉ E DA EVANGELIZAÇÃO, É UMA PODEROSA REDE DE PESCA" CONTATO TWITTER : @playcatolica