Relive History - Delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals.


Welcome to Prophetic Past! Here, we delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals. We present a diverse array of content, spanning from gripping historical documentaries to contemporary incidents, featuring a myriad of genres and themes designed to keep you immersed and entertained. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or a connoisseur of rich storytelling, we extend a warm invitation for you to subscribe to our channel and embark on this enlightening journey with us. For any queries or collaborations, please reach out to

Two Roads Crossing


Have you ever wondered how faith and veterinary medicine fit together? Do you struggle finding balance between your vocation and your spiritual life? Do those two things even go together? With Two Roads Crossing, Dr. Barry Schwenk, a veterinarian and pastor, talks with those that have navigated through these real issues. So, sit back and listen to these relaxed conversations between veterinarians, vet students, pastors, and industry leaders as they discuss life and living well at the intersection of Two Roads Crossing. Interested in learning more about the intersection of faith and veterinary medicine? Go to

History Crossroads


Welcome to History Crossroads, where the past meets the present! Dive into the captivating stories, pivotal moments, and influential figures that have shaped our world. From ancient civilizations to modern milestones, History Crossroads explores the events that define humanity's journey. Join us as we uncover hidden tales, analyze key events, and connect the dots between history and today's world. Subscribe to History Crossroads for engaging documentaries, insightful discussions, and a deeper understanding of our shared heritage. Together, we'll traverse the crossroads of time, illuminating the paths that lead us forward.

Dr. S. C. Ross


Be successful in family, church and business. Live in peace, joy and safety. 👇About, Podcast, Books👇 Join us in our dining room where we explain the basic fundamentals of Christianity to our children. Follow along by ordering a workbook from We are living in a day where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being watered down. People attending churches across America do not know what it means to be born again or filled with the Holy Spirit. They do not know what it means to have a relationship with God or why they need to live a humble life of repentance. The basic foundational principles are missing from the churches. This 18 week course will explain these topics and more and will help the listener become solid in their faith. Mat 7:24-27 KJV  Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:  (25)  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.  (26)  And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:  (27)  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Follow us on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook @drscross #ChristianityBeliefs #FaithJourney #ChristianFaith #BiblicalTruths #ReligiousBeliefs #ChristianDoctrines #ChristianTeachings #GospelMessage #ChristianPerspective #SpiritualBeliefs #ScripturalWisdom #ChristianPrinciples #TheologyDiscussion #ChristianWorldview #ReligiousConvictions #FaithInChrist #UnderstandingChristianity #ChristianPhilosophy #ReligionandSpirituality #ExploringFaith #SeekingTruth