Endtime CodeSearching


Within the Hebrew Scriptures, YaHuWaH has encoded information. In Daniel 12:4 the WORD says " .. seal up the book until the time of the end. Many shall diligently search and knowledge shall increase" ... We believe we are living in the days the Prophets saw, and wrote about. We believe 'the books' are being unsealed and the information held therein, ENCODED for THIS GENERATION, is ready for those who have ears to hear. And eyes to see. May YaHuWaH and YaHuWShuW'A BaRuK you.

In Search of Joy Wellness Verified


I created this channel to share the things that I can't on regular Social Media. I woke up a long time ago, I came through the nutrition door. I learned at the age of 16 the pharmaceuticals companies were using women and ethnic groups of people for what I called "Human Guinea Pigs." Today couldn't be truer. I am a PhD Student at the University of Natural Health, studying Hygienic Health and Nutrition. Literally the "science of health". On my channel I will share Health and Nutrition truth, Yoga sessions, Meditation, and Reiki Crystal Energy sessions. Buckle your seat belts because Some knowledge will be hard to take. However, if you are on these alternative platforms, you are already looking for truths. Nutrition, is one key to longevity. The Power is the knowledge of our beautiful self-healing bodies. Our Amazing, Divinely created (if you have ever studied the Human body, I don’t understand how you can not believe in a Divine Creator.) yes, created not evolved! Created in his image, However we must follow the Natural Laws of Life. Abandonment of these Laws allow ALL disease to thrive and mutate and destroy us as the evil one intended by perverting our knowledge of proper food for the Human Being.

Pain market research reports and survey results Verified


This channel highlights presentations of reports published by Pain Insights to better understand the needs of patients with pain, paint a picture of the patient journey, review key trends in the management of pain, and to provide insights supportive of the development and commercialization of innovative analgesics addressing key unmet needs. Pain Insights was founded in 2001 to offer marketing strategy consultation and market research services exclusively in the area of pain management. Senior management closely monitors developments in the management of pain. This ongoing surveillance, coupled with extensive experience, provides the principals with the knowledge and context to make analytical and well-reasoned assessments of current and future market trends and potential opportunities.



Searching The Scriptures strives to be an educational resource for those with a love for studying the word of God. God’s word instructs us to “search the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11) so that we can continue to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Understanding the God of the Bible and His plan of salvation for mankind is a fundamental key in preparing ourselves for the coming Kingdom of God. The goal of Searching The Scriptures is to assist brethren in this most important endeavor. 👉 For Further Study: https://SearchingTheScriptures.org/

Uk Paranormal Search


Welcome to the United Kingdom Paranormal Search (UKPS) Rumble channel! With a skeptical perspective, Philip delves into the mysteries of the paranormal world, aiming to present an honest portrayal of ordinary investigators in action. just an ordinary guy striving to uncover the truth behind supernatural phenomena. Balancing skepticism with an openness to possibilities, He doesn't promise you ghosts, but he does promise the truth. No over-the-top drama here – just raw, unfiltered investigations. Are the places Philip visits truly haunted, or is the hype surrounding them merely for the sake of followers and subscribers? He's upfront about not having all the answers, but he's dedicated to sharing the truth as he discovers it.Capturing his thoughts and feelings along the way. Hit that subscribe button and join the UKPS community. Who knows, maybe this channel will reshape your outlook on the supernatural. e-mail ukpsearch@yahoo.co.uk

American Institute for Interdisciplinary Research


The purpose of American Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (AIIR) is to build a bridge between research and action on the ground in order to link academic research and community involvement to better promote people's wellbeing. We are problem solvers providing independent services to governments, private firms, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Our multidisciplinary nature allows us to promptly put together diverse researchers to tackle problems from multiple directions. We are working with international, national, state, and local agencies, our vision is that scholars and communities inform and strengthen each other through research to improve human capital formation to sustain growth and social justice.