

This channel shares educational and informational content about Plus-size and Curvy models, highlighting their careers, achievements, and influence. We promote the latest fashion trends, hauls, and unique styles, celebrating body positivity, women’s empowerment, and the diversity of beauty to uplift women and promote confidence.” **The channel does not promote explicit content; all visuals are chosen to maintain a professional and tasteful standard** “Important Note: If you have any copyright issues with our content or find something that belongs to you, please message us before claiming it to rumble. We will delete the content immediately. Thank you 💗”

They show it very competently, in detail, from different angles and emphasize all the key points.


Aikido in Training. Vol 1 – Taijutsu • Ikkyo (1st Teaching) • Nikyo (2nd Teaching) • Sankyo (3rd Teaching) • Yonkyo (4th Teaching) • Gokyo (5th Teaching) Aikido in Training. Vol 2 – Taijutsu • Shiho-Nage (4 Corner Throw) • Kotegaeshi (Wrist Turn) • Kaiten-Nage (Rotary Throw) • Tenchi-Nage (Heaven-Earth Throw) • Kokyu-Nage (Breath Throw) Aikido in Training. Vol 3 – Taijutsu • Koshi-Nage (Hip Throw) • Irimi-Nage (Entering Throw) • Sumi-Otoshi (Corner Drop) • Aiki-Nage (Aiki Throw) • Tanto-Tori (Knife-Taking) Aikido in Training. Lost Techniques • Aiki-Otoshi • Men-Nage • Ganseki-Otoshi • Hiji-Waza (Osae, Nage, Kime ) • Ude-Garame • Juji-Garame

This Blue Angels Flying is Terrifying and Amazing Blue Sky


he U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration squadron demonstrates skill on such a high level it seems almost supernatural. To say that such aerobatics requires precision and attention to detail is an understatement of laughable proportions. The mission of the Blue Angels is to showcase the teamwork and professionalism of the United States Navy and Marine Corps through flight demonstrations and community outreach while inspiring a culture of excellence and service to country.

Patience of the Saints - Rev.14:12


God is preparing a people to give the Final Message of warning to the world to 'Fear God and Give Him glory' during this judgement hour (Antitypical Day of Atonement) by the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel (3 Angels Messages). May we be ready and stay ready for the second coming of our Savior Jesus the Christ. God's will is to have His perfect love and character reflected in His Remnant people, to lead souls to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God bless all those who view this channel.