BananaStixZ TV


First I just want to say, Thanks for stopping by. A lil about me, I'm old enough to be your Dad. I'm disabled, due to, PTSD & Fibromyalgia,(Fibromyalgia is a medical syndrome which causes chronic widespread pain, accompanied by fatigue, waking unrefreshed, and cognitive symptoms. Other symptoms can include headaches, lower abdominal pain or cramps, and depression). I make my videos for fun, entertainment, & enjoyment. I just really like gaming, helps with something to do and keeps my mind occupied. My YouTube channel is a not for profit channel. Thanks again, have a blessed day. Banana

Almanaque Militar


Um canal de Geopolítica, Estratégia, Defesa e História Militar! Pra você que gosta de conteúdos atuais, análises de filmes, games e militaria, o Almanaque é pra você! Desde 2012 mantemos uma fanpage no Facebook e Instagram com muito conteúdo diário e atualizado, sempre preservando o máximo das fontes para gerar, em você, CREDIBILIDADE! E em 2020, entramos em definitivo no Youtube! Por fim, deixo um convite pra você: faça parte do CLUBE do ALMANAQUE MILITAR, um local destinado à aulas exclusivas e análises geopolíticas, históricas e militares! Acesse: Ficou curioso sobre tudo, acesse nosso Site, Youtube, Facebook, Podcast e Spotify: Att, Bruno Guiguer (@brunoguiguer)

Women's Dream Analysis


Empowering Women Through Dream Analysis Book a free discovery call today with Megan Mary at Megan is a dream analyst, intuitive, author and mystic. A member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, she holds a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Megan Mary founded Women's Dream Analysis to help other women harness the transformative power of their dreams. She believes the symbolic imagery in our dreams is a key, once unlocked we can tap into our own innate transformative power, evolve our consciousness and ultimately discover our life purpose. Join the Women's Dream Collective, a place to seek, share & support: Listen to the Women's Dream Enlightenment podcast: Deep discussions, dream interpretation & spiritual stories of awakening. She lives with her rockstar drummer husband and their two highly treasured cats in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

EULEAD - European Club for Excellence in Leadership and Management


Quality in the areas of leadership and management is more in demand today than ever. The European Club for Excellence in Leadership and Management approaches these challenges on the basis of the traditional European value culture. EULEAD was founded as a non-profit association. We are a partner for competence development in companies and organizations in the field of leadership and are a recognized companion for leaders in Austrian business and politics.\\\\n\\\\nVisit our website: