Immortal Exiles


In a realm where pixels meet passion, and controllers forge camaraderie... Welcome to Immortal Exiles, the legendary gaming guild that has stood the test of time. Since 1992, our community has been the beacon of excellence, from table top games to the newest tech, forged in the fires of competition and tempered by the bonds of friendship. We are the guardians of gaming's greatest traditions, and the pioneers of its brightest future. Within our ranks, you'll find veterans of countless battles, champions of legendary raids, and architects of innovative strategies. But most importantly, you'll find a family that shares your passion, your creativity, and your unwavering dedication to the world of gaming. Endure. Conquer. Remember. "Welcome to Immortal Exiles. Welcome home." The Founding Members: RICH, Jealousy, NV. The Immortal Exiles: Musolini PHAN, Nikolai "Ironfist", Edi, Kadaffi, Husain, Cassius, Lee Napole, Noble, Ghingus, Koemini. The MOB: Weapone Gambino, AKD, Castilono, Dom Nitty, Gravano, Hitman, Kingpen, Legend Luciano, Mortar, Xenia. OG Group Members: Karen "Klelu" Jumea, James K, 16Switchez, Sonya, Lexxus, Nino Brigade, Criminally Activated, Hades, Vicious Fyre, Demon, Missy Syn, Jezebelle, Heather, Marcus, Bruce "Tombstone" Degginger. Group Members: Georgia, Daisy, Enraged Maniac, Johnny Ark, Antheia, Belle, Cedrick, Cleopatra, Victoria, Derek, Quindahlia, Evie Del, Fai, Yo Chen, Florenta, Sejan, Talia, Raychelle, Tamara, Gat, Ogero, Gver, Livacora, Gwenivere, Julie (Yulia), Ronson, Kokoro, Natia, Prince Oringata, Melena, Omar "OutTakil" Graves, Virgil "Xecution Style" Graves, JR Steel, Steph Steel, Picnic Casket, ConcDed Bstrd, TJ Maverick, Ricky R0C, Rossi, Davin, Sterling Durango, Jevon Wheeler, Uertheku Zahra, Yvonne, Vesti Jabwolf. Decendant Members: Inferno, Xia Saddow, Emma Rose, Princess Josalyn, Jacob GhostRida, Dean Monster. Honorary Memebers: Amanda, Andrea, Eric, Erica, Giancarlo, Sharie, Eva Lara, 50's Sara, Zora, Ulyana, Qiana, Semenov, Twayn Versons, Tatiana, Robyn BlueOrchid, Larry The Gaffer.

Personal Development


Greetings, I hope everyone is having a great day! we are Back to Discovery. The focus in on #meditation and #personaldevelopment in all areas of life. Check out our blog. There you find links to YouTube and other social media. Have a great day! Thank you!! #meditation, #wellness, #health, #personaldevelopment, #nutrition, #mindfulness, #explorethemind, #expandyourthink, #expandingthemind, #focus,#sound,#vipassana,#kundalini,#breatingtechnique,#mantra,#motivation

Das zuverlässige Wort.


N I F B - U N G E F I L T E R T - B I B L I S C H Podcast der Baptistenkirche Zuverlässiges Wort, Pforzheim. Als Baptisten glauben wir, dass die Bibel Gottes Wort ist, dass Gott sein Wort bis heute zu 100% bewahrt hat und dass wir daher die Wahrheit in unseren Händen halten können. Ziel dieses Podcasts ist es, biblische Lehre leicht verständlich in kurzen Episoden zu erklären, Irrlehren aufgrund der Bibel zu entlarven und aktuelle Ereignisse im Licht von Gottes Wort zu bewerten. Zusammen mit Pastor Anderson werden wir außerdem in längeren Episoden Bücher der Bibel Vers für Vers erläutern. Wir wollen mit diesem Podcast das nach Deutschland wieder zurückbringen, was es verloren hat: Biblisches Christentum.