WastingSanity Reviews


Reviews, rants and game play for PC games. My main goal is to bring awareness to viewers, so that they may make an informed decision about their purchases. I also may wander from the beaten path from time to time to share with you other things that may be of interest or red flags within the industry. Hints and tips about a game I am currently involved with. I don't cover all mainstream games, I only go for the games that actually interest me. A message to developers, if you desire coverage of your game please email me for details. I can not promise that I will cover every game that I am contacted about. I am hard core gamer with casual tendencies. This leads me to play all sorts of games. I have a bachelors degree in Game Art & Design. All the videos that I post are typically in 720p+, so if it is blurry adjust your settings accordingly.


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Welcome to the Douglas County Republican Party Rumble channel! You will receive news and analysis of conservative politics at the local, county, and state levels. The channel features interviews with local elected officials who work to advance conservative principles and improve the lives of constituents. Long-form conversations explore policies and ideas that shape the state, with guests including experts in education, taxes, red flag laws, local control, water, transportation, healthcare, business environment, and homelessness. County-wide news updates keep viewers informed about the latest developments in their area. The Republican Party supports limited government, safe neighborhoods, clean cities, and inalienable rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights. We believe that individual freedom and family-centered community make America great. You are invited to join us in our mission to build a better future!

Byrept Seend je suis un hacker

1 Follower

La cybersécurité est un domaine extrêmement important de l'informatique. Le Hacking éthique permet à tous d'apprendre en détail le fonctionnement de l'informatique et surtout de la sécurité informatique. Le but de ma chaîne est donc de montrer les ficelles de ce métier aifn de pouvoir amorcer une carrière et/ou naviguer sereinement sur Internet. Le tout avec des tutos pratiques, utiles ou divertissants. Je ne prétends pas tout savoir, mais si je peux vous aider, c'est avec plaisir ! Merci d'être passé par là, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner si ce n'est pas fait ! -- Je suis auteur de je suis un hackeur http://marc51.e-monsite.com/