The Friendly Evangelist


What's up, guys! I'm A Ukrainian evangelist for Christ. Warrior for the Truth in a culture of lies. Missionary on the Mission of all missions: to see people come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the God who created them, and to get them prepared for Eternity. If you feel led to support my mission as a Ukrainian evangelist to preach the Gospel and to reach all people groups for Jesus Christ, click the link below and choose to either become a Monthly supporter or contribute a One Time Donation. I appreciate your support greatly:

Best Ever Food Review Show


I travel to unique parts of the world on the hunt for the best food each country has to offer and share these stories with you in my videos. Hey, I’m Sonny! I’m from the US but currently call Vietnam home. I’ve been living in Asia for 10 years and started making food and travel videos to document my experiences. People either enjoyed my undeniable wit or enjoyed watching me eat interesting food like sea penis, and thus Best Ever Food Review Show came to be. Best Ever Food Review Show is the first food review show exploring the unique foods of each country with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding of other cultures along the way. From the best street food to the most insane food markets to...well...yes, sea penis, nothing is off limits (except cucumbers. Cucumbers are off limits). I can’t wait to see where this food journey takes us. Don’t forget to follow, so we can connect through food and travel and become Bestys!

Evershed & Emery


The Conscious Evolution Teachings: Our work differs from those truth tellers that reveal astounding discoveries and then just leave you in a state of anxiety, rocking under the table with no solace in sight! Anyone who has parsed the astounding numbers of missing children or seen pictures of the once majestic Empire of Tartaria lying in ruins will know what I mean. We merge our studies of our Galactic history and science with the truths we reveal today. We have found the ultimate measuring stick of pure truth! There is no higher measure than the source of Pure Consciousness revealed! Our new-found angle of action seamlessly slots everything into perspective. Instead of reeling in disgust from some new heinous exposure of our perpetrators, you can now digest it and know that humanity is going to be alright, not just okay, but thrive! No more throwing up! We HAD to know the horrible truth of our history in order to evolve. Our revelations about the truth of our recent history all fall into place and provide a context for life right now in its myriad of states on this planet. Knowing the real truth of our distant past serves to help transition us readily to leave the old 3D paradigm and head for the fifth, well prepared and full of delight at the New Earth that awaits us!

Learn Every Hymn With Rev Kaspar ( Lutheran Service Book ) Verified


Music Education Outreach Ministry of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & Preschool, La Grange, TX; providing educational tools and modelling only the minimum unique stanzas of each hymn, hymns used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110005160; other copyrighted materials are used within the bounds of “fair use” as defined by US Copyright Code, Chapter 1, Section 107: this use is strictly educational and is intended to increase realized market potential for the copyright holder.