Universidade Libertária


Canal Libertário feito para ser um Think Tank libertário brasileiro e renovar a cena. A Universidade Libertária é formada por um grupo de pessoas que dividem os mesmos valores éticos e compartilham do interesse de divulgar os ideais libertários. O nosso site, além de um local onde postamos artigos de forma gratuita, também disponibilizamos cursos grátis e pagos sobre os mais diversos assuntos. Junte-se a nós na busca por uma sociedade livre e justa, onde a sua propriedade privada e seu direito individual são verdadeiramente respeitados.

Tim Picciott - The Liberty Advisor


Tim Picciott is a Wealth advisor, podcaster, economist and freedom activist focused on breaking down the fake left- right paradigm and exposing the puppet masters. The Liberty Advisor Show is an Economics, Finance, Crypto and Retirement podcast interested in exposing: the false left-right paradigm, central bank manipulation, media double standards, lying politicians and Fake News We also cover many other issues that affect humanity such as Geo Engineering, Jabs, Plandemic etc. Tim started making content in 2016 and within two months garnered a following over over 30,000 people on facebook. With great popularity comes great consequences as Tim got the shadow ban on November 16, 2016 and saw his reach basically go to zero on facebook over the next five years. Tim then went on to be a contributor for Freedom's Phoenix and World Alternative Media, which had over 155k subs before being DE platformed in October 2020 by Youtube. One week before the Plandemic began Tim and Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change