The Richard Castle


Enter the mind of insainty that routinely taps into the Medulla Oblongata in order to crush the worlds of those that don't use it. Certain people now a days are not truley using their brain, they are on auto-pilot swallowing anything that is presented to them because they don't genuinely believe in anything. This channel is aimed to bring a different perspective to those that are open to it and also aims to break the fragile existence of Soytards, Karens and SJW. If it wasn't obvious at this point then I will break it down for you, I am a crazy American citizen that supports my country's police, history, principals and the mad-lad 45th Persident Donald J. Trump. Here is your Warning to those with fragile minds, listen at your own peril as this incendiary content will burn away your paper thin safe spaces. --Disclaimer-- These are the opinions and ramblings of ones mind that is on the line between enlightenment and insanity. They are for entertainment purposes only... Listen at your own potential cognitive peril, it's your prerogative. --COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER UNDER SECTION 107 OF THE COPYRIGHT ACT 1976-- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as critcism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

Hunter Valley Freedom Fighters


Welcome to the Hunter Valley Freedom Fighters channel! Based in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, the HVFF community are a patriotic non-discriminatory, non-violent freedom movement, and we welcome those who want to be with like-minded folk. We are made up of a growing number of people and families of all ages and walks of life! We are a satellite group for both The Australia Project (T.A.P) and Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA); and avid supporters of many more grassroots and national movements! Within our community, we have several township-based groups that cover the major towns in the greater Hunter including Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Dungog. We also have topic-specific groups setup for popular topics including home schooling, crypto/metals investments and prepping to name a few.

Valley Broadcast Network News Verified


Valley Broadcast News is the flagship broadcast on Flathead Valley, Montana's newest Over-The-Air (OTA) TV outlet, Valley Broadcast Network (VBN). The host of VBN, James White, is well known for his many years as host of Northwest Liberty News. During his tenure, Jim and the Northwest Liberty News team were on the scene of many fast-breaking news stories, including the Bundy Ranch and the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) standoff. Join Jim each weekday as he shatters the left-right paradigm and seeks to find the truth behind the lies.

Jr's Gasoline Alley Verified


Jr's Gasoline Alley is a place for automotive related content where I share my experiences for fun or education. BE ADVISED: Due to elements of interpretation and limitations by not being present to observe, Jr's Gasoline Alley / Jeeprenegadeguy and affiliates are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on or understanding of the presented information contained in these videos. Always source specific information for your vehicle or project and remember to use proper safety personal protective equipment as recommended in your vehicles repair manual. Car repair can be dangerous. It's your responsibility to seek advice from labels on tools, lifting equipment, and products to pursue repairs in the safest way possible. FTC Disclaimer: I earn a % of sales made through Amazon Affiliate links. Watch for them in the description to find tools etc. used in the videos. We both win!

Airgun Alley Miami


“New, different air gun channel on the rise” - The New Jerk Times “Less talk, more action. ENTERTAINING!” - GNN International “Worth subscribing” - Fax News • • • • VISUAL BALLISTIC EXPERIMENTS AND TESTS Welcome to my personal creative channel made of non-technical reviews, short sketches and visual experiments - aimed at entertaining viewers by showcasing air guns, ammo and accessories in action - to give you a realistic feel of the gun/accessory you’re looking into buying or simply enjoy looking at I receive most of the products I review for free. ONLINE SHOP: This channel was established in DECEMBER 2021 and it will only be THANKS TO YOU that I’ll be able to continue making new weekly videos and create 100% HOMEMADE, QUALITY CONTENT. Thanks again for your support, thank you for SUBSCRIBING! ⚠️ I ONLY SHOOT (and promote shooting) NON-LIVING OBJECTS ‼️ OPEN TO PAID SPONSORSHIPS (No affiliate programs) ‼️