Practicing Yoga for Live Blissful, Healthy Life.


Yoga is a practice that originated in ancient India and has been developed over thousands of years. It is a holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, and includes a range of practices such as physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and ethical principles. The physical postures, known as asanas, are a central part of yoga practice. They are designed to stretch and strengthen the body, increase flexibility, improve balance, and stimulate the internal organs. Each posture has specific benefits for different parts of the body and can be adapted to suit individual needs. Breathing exercises, or pranayama, are also an important part of yoga practice. They involve controlling the breath in various ways, which can help to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall health. Meditation is another key aspect of yoga practice. It involves focusing the mind on a specific object, such as the breath, a mantra, or a visual image, in order to cultivate inner peace, clarity, and awareness. Meditation has been shown to have a range of benefits for mental and physical health, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. In addition to these physical and mental practices, yoga also includes ethical principles known as the yamas and niyamas. These include principles such as non-violence, truthfulness, contentment, and self-discipline, and are intended to help practitioners live a more balanced and fulfilling life. Overall, yoga is a comprehensive system for promoting health and well-being that can be practiced by people of all ages and abilities. Whether you are looking to improve your physical fitness, reduce stress and anxiety, or deepen your spiritual practice, yoga has something to offer



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Wellbeing is a condition of complete actual mental and social prosperity and not simply the shortfall of infection or sickness. It envelops an expansive scope of elements that add to a singular's general prosperity including actual wellness profound flexibility social connectedness and a feeling of direction throughout everyday life. Great wellbeing permits people to participate in everyday exercises keep up with positive connections and seek after their objectives and yearnings. Accomplishing and keeping up with great wellbeing requires a mix of solid ways of behaving, for example, customary activity legitimate sustenance sufficient rest pressure the board and keeping away from unsafe ways of behaving like smoking and inordinate liquor utilization. It likewise includes admittance to quality medical care administrations and a steady climate that advances wellbeing and prosperity.

Want to live a healthier and happier life? Little List Project can help! On this channel, you'll find video podcasts with simple, practical and actionable tips to lead a better lifestyle.


Want to live a healthier and happier life? Little List Project can help! On this channel, you'll find video podcasts with simple, practical and actionable tips to lead a better lifestyle. *The older videos on this channel are in regular video format, but the newer ones are podcasts with a video element. Feel free to listen to them like a short podcast or watch them as videos. Regular videos took far to long to produce and edit and given the time and budget constraints, I have decided to go with a podcast style video for this channel going forward.. PLEASE FOLLOW!