First Alliance


We publish articles reporting on Human Rights, Health and Wellbeing, Traditional Family Values, Extended Family, Strong Kin and Kindred; promoting Caring Neighbourhoods, Traditional Community Values, Patriotism, Union of Nation States, Union of Religions. We proudly support the formation and flourishment of an image of the bright future world with harmony and union all social aspects such as religion, human rights, ethnicity, community, family, as well as individual well being. Website

Canal Familia na Cozinha


O Canal foi criado pela Mãe (Elke) e Filho (Guilherme) para juntos fazermos receitas fáceis e divertidas que agradarão a Família toda! Que tal chamar os pequenos para se divertirem na cozinha? Além de educativo, cozinhar com seu filho pode ser um momento especial entre vocês. Toda semana prepararemos receitas bem saborosas e práticas para você preparar junto com a criançada. Te esperamos por aqui!!!! E-mail: The Channel was created by Mother (Elke) and Son (Guilherme) so that together we can make easy and fun recipes that will please the whole Family! How about calling the little ones to have fun in the kitchen? In addition to being educational, cooking with your child can be a special moment between mother/father and children. Every week we will prepare tasty and practical sweet and savory recipes for you to prepare together with the kids. We are waiting for you here!!!!