North Valley church of Christ

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Here at North Valley we strive to be simply the New Testament church. What we mean by that is we offer no creed other than the Word of God (Romans 10:17); we follow no man made pattern, only the pattern found in God’s Word. (Philippians 3:17); We strive to know His truth and no other. (John 1:17, 8:32). In a world where there seems to be Christianity everywhere, we find that so few agree with one another, many have differing names, differing creeds, and differing ways to get back in a relationship with God. Here at North valley we use the description “church of Christ”. We don’t see this as a name but as a description of who we are. We are a body of believers who reside in Christ. The word church is derived from the Greek word meaning assembly. Therefore we are an assembly, a church of Christ.

The Valley Law Group

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We are passionate about protecting and preserving families. And for this reason, we focus primarily in the areas of divorce, family, and juvenile law. Through our dedication and experience we are well equipped to ardently advocate for you, your family, and their interests. Our exceptional team of legal professionals in Arizona provides top-notch legal counsel and customer service to those seeking a family lawyer. || Address: 1410 W. Guadalupe Rd, Suite 101, Gilbert, AZ 85233, USA || Phone: 480-806-1570 || Website: