A+A Space Community


A+A Space is Taiwan\\\'s local open source software community dedicated to the educational promotion of open source free software. We meet weekly to discuss various application needs projects that can extend open source software to various industries. [A + A Space for Shared Communication] If A + A space has a party, come and join us more often. Come to A + A space meetups when you have time, or time, or interest, to talk about common interests, or plans, or ideas, perhaps. After that, it\\\'s on to the next step. Or maybe, no. It\\\'s good to have a plan, an idea, and a way of doing things. But don\\\'t be proactive and don\\\'t be rushed. Not letting go of the handbrake yourself, and not having someone foolishly push behind you. If you take the initiative, someone else takes the initiative. If you cheer, someone else cheers. Too lazy to move, or too busy to move, then pause and wait until you want to move. Even if there is no next step, what does it matter. Maybe it\\\'s this step, not yet delicious, or just like-minded. That\\\'s why A + A space focuses on [meeting friends who share the same interests], rather than having to come and do something, so it\\\'s enough to meet new people, and after they don\\\'t hate each other, it\\\'s possible to cooperate and support each other in the future. . "What\\\'s to come" was after the mutual dislike. Now recognize some new friends, and there will be many old ones later. True friend. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/apaspace/ Website http://www.osvaa.com

Mills Ammunition


Mills Ammunition is a small arms ammunition company established in 2020. We are based in Huntersville, North Carolina in the U.S.A. Currently, we offer pistol ammunition with plans to build a rifle caliber offerings summer of 2021. We are veteran owned and deeply patriotic. We are strong believers in the Bill of Rights and that the 1st Amendment needs the 2nd Amendment. This means that we started Mills Ammunition to build high quality ammunition with the best components at fair price. We believe that every time you shoot a firearm, it is a training opportunity. So, shoot quality ammunition. We are continually evaluating our loads and always trying to make the best round we can offer to our customers. It is important that Mills Ammunition is a true lifestyle brand, and we want our customers to be part of the tribe and not just a buyer of our product.

UnisVers Capsules


#UnisVersCapsules #Actu #Santé UnisVers Capsules est votre nouvelle chaîne qui offre à ses abonnés la pertinence nécessaire pour analyser d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'un oeil critique l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'actualité de notre planète. UnisVers Capsules livre chaque semaine les clés afin de vous permettre d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'élargir votre vision du monde. Au travers de nos formats (décryptages, compilations, cartes postales de nos frères internationaux), nous levons le voile sur les mensonges et la désinformation (chaînes d\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'infos TV et autres), et même parfois avec dérision. Reprogrammons nos mémoires ensemble, UnisVers un monde meilleur, UnisVers un monde de vérité et de liberté. Regroupons-nous dans un intérêt "comme un". Contactez nous par mail UnisVers@protonmail.com Rejoignez nous et examinons l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'actu ensemble sur Discord. Souscrivez à notre chaîne pour ne rater aucune vidéo.