God's Heart TV Español


Este es el canal oficial de YouTube de God’s Heart TV Español. God’s Heart TV (El Corazón de Dios en español) es un ministerio cristiano internacional establecido en el norte de Gales, Reino Unido. Después de servir como discípulo en el ministerio del Profeta T.B. Joshua en La Sinagoga, Iglesia de Todas las Naciones (SCOAN) durante diecisiete años, el Hermano Chris lanzó el canal en línea en enero de 2022, bajo la guía del Espíritu Santo. God’s Heart TV se centrará inicialmente en ministrar 'Oración Interactiva' a personas de todo el mundo, como también en compartir la Palabra de Dios y participar en proyectos humanitarios.



The world of electronic music is constantly evolving, and there are many talented international and local DJs who are at the forefront of this exciting scene. PureDJ has played in over 30 countries and has collected over 100k of the best tunes ranging from Breaks, Trance, House, Progressive House, Future House and EDM. We founded Pure Promotions Pampanga in 2017 and have been partying hard ever since. With their unique styles and innovative sounds, these DJs are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible with electronic music. At festivals and events around the world, you can experience the incredible energy and creativity of these DJs first-hand. Whether you prefer the driving beats of techno, the hypnotic rhythms of house music, or the futuristic sounds of experimental electronica, there is something for everyone in the world of Pure Promotions Pampanga. Subscribe to our channel for more amazing content and updates on upcoming events! Leave your comments, all welcome

Hispano Informado


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