The Mystical Mountain Podcast


The Mystical Mountain Podcast is dedicated to a constant deep dive into the realms of optimal health & healing, spirituality, the metaphysical world, supernatural activity, our true origins, esoteric knowledge and wisdom, and of course "conspiracy theories".\r\nThe Mystical Mountain Podcast URL’s

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\r\n\r\nGOOGLE -\r\n\r\nSPOTIFY -\r\n\r\nAMAZON -\r\n\r\nLISTEN NOTES -\r\n\r\nPLAYERFM -\r\n\r\niHEARTRADIO -

The best of classical music


"Classical music is a musical style that originated in Western Europe in the late medieval period and flourished in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. It is characterized by an erudite musical art form, which is performed by professional musicians and follows a set of musical conventions that have evolved over the centuries. Classical music is typically written for orchestral instruments such as violins, violas, cellos, double basses, flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons, horns, trumpets, trombones, tubas, and percussion, as well as keyboard instruments such as piano, harpsichord, and organ. Classical music is known for its harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic complexity, as well as its formal and structural sophistication. Many classical composers, such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms, are widely regarded as some of the greatest musical artists of all time."

Musical KJV


Welcome to Musical KJV with Bro. Adam Tigges! Congratulations on making it here. At this channel, you're going to learn how to memorize Bible verses the fun and easy way. Not to offend, but we'll be learning verses from the KJV Bible as that's the only one worth using. Let me ask you something: have you ever ever found it difficult to memorize the Bible by rote memory? Yeah. Me too. And that's why I'd like to show you how to use music for Bible memorization. Think about this: songs from years and years ago... maybe you hear them in a grocery store and you find yourself singing along. But you haven't heard them in years, right? So how do you remember them? We're going to learn how to memorize the Bible the same way. When these Bible verse songs get in your head, that means they're in your memory. So jump in and start using the videos on this channel to start to memorize KJV Bible verses today! Welcome and God bless, Bro. Adam Tigges

Star Citizen


I'm retiredChase the Calm is what I like to say. Military (Sgt) and served 20yrs, 10yrs Infantry (2PPCLI) and 10yrs as a Communications Technician(LCIS). I retired with several injuries including PTSD, gaming is one thing that keeps my mind in a calm state...Chase that calm folks. I've played mostly space games such as EveOnline for 9yrs, Elite Dangerous for 2 then I found Star Citizen... and a PC that could actually run it;) Channel full of Star Citizen Content which is currently in Alpha testing by Cloud Imperium aka Roberts Space Industry 90% Solo player. I like many with real-life responsibilities that pull us away from the computer at any moment, it makes it difficult to commit time to a multiplayer event which is why for the time being I'm mostly a Solo player and my views and opinions are based on having limited game time. In-Game name: Werner32 Referral code: STAR-FPHG-4M64 Discord: