Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNATION MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE... I dont have the ability to speak GODs WORD as MFATW can do.. I do have the ability to echo/rePOST this WORD to as many as OUR FATHER allows.. FYI: This is NOT (MIKE from COT) channel... FYI: When MIKE says in his talks... "I do not have any problem with people re-posting my talks on social platforms" This is MIKE giving verbal permission to anyone to use his talks.. I have heard MIKE quote this over a dozen times in his talks over the past year. I make it a point to tell everyone - THIS IS NOT MIKES CHANNEL and i list all his links in the video description, I also never said or posted the WORD: PERMISSION, i said MIKE KNOWS ABOUT.. because i have sent many emails and donations to him. PPL who police for MIKE are a MOB of trolls who purposely create rumors, chaos, & confusion, these are not the works of OUR FATHERs children. Yes ppl here are fully aware this is not mikes YT channel. Furthermore MIKE HAS SAID, I do not go by the phrase.. (Mike from around the world or MFATW) so NN created these MFATW graphics.. SO PPL HAD A SIGN OF where they could find MIKES TALKS in original form i see what i do is SPREADING GODs WORD, I never said that I created these works, just spreading them, as OUR FATHER says to do.. THIS CHANNEL HAS ZERO INCOME FROM YOUTUBE, DE-MONIZIED.. BUT we do not stop ppl from willingly donating.. read video description for links Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/NNATION .. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@nnation MFATW Rumble Archives: https://rumble.com/c/MFATW X-Twit: https://twitter.com/nnation_x Video start Times are (6pm (MST) Zone, & 9-10pm ish, Thursdays), Donation Link -- Thanks for the LOVE & Support... https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=EKFUFC5MDCXNY You Dont need a Paypal acct to donate using PayPal.. PayPal accepts all non-member DEBIT/CREDIT payment methods. COT: http://counciloftime.com COT LIVE on MIXLR: https://counciloftime.mixlr.com (Follow) COT Donate: http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx#ops Angela (ROFM/Donate): https://ringoffireministries.com/ Pastor Begley: https://www.paulbegleyprophecy.org/ ONLY THROUGH JESUS WILL YOU BE SAVED!! ...

Live Action Verified


Live Action uses new media to teach the public about the humanity of the preborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless. Utilizing undercover investigations, Live Action has documented rampant sexual abuse cover-up, racism, medical misinformation, the willingness to assist sex traffickers, false statements made by Planned Parenthood executives, sex-selective abortion, and infanticide. Live Action’s exposés publicize these abuses, so the whole world can see the horrors going on right in our backyards – and paid for with our tax money. SUBSCRIBE FOR FUTURE VIDEO RELEASES MEDIA CONTACT: media@liveaction.org This channel does not permit hate speech or harassment.

Military Technologies, Innovations & Future Weapons


Join us on Telegram https://t.me/ITandTechnologies TruthSocial https://truthsocial.com/@MilTec IT and INNOVATIONS on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/INNOVATIONandTECHNOLOGIES ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. IF YOU HAVE ANY LICENSE ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT US BY EMAIL(MilTecInnovations@proton.me) to RESOLVE THE PROBLEM and discuss a COOPERATION - ☕️🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support by buying us a coffee ☕️ . Big Thank you for your support https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MilTec

Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution


Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution is a feature-length documentary currently in post-production. The film is intended to break down common misconceptions about homeschooling, encourage a flood of new families to homeschool, and equip those already homeschooling to do it well. The film follows host, Yvette Hampton, as she travels the country with her family, meeting other homeschoolers and education experts in an effort to learn the secrets of successful homeschooling and to tell the story of the millions of people who have been impacted by the homeschool revolution. As viewers follow Yvette on this journey and share in her challenges and victories, they will gather the necessary resources and encouragement to homeschool with excellence — to start strong and finish well! If you believe in homeschooling, please partner with us by making a tax-deductible donation at https://schoolhouserocked.com/support/ Schoolhouse Rocked Merchandise - https://schoolhouserocked.com/store

The Fall of the Cabal & All Sequels


Blinding Research by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Exposing the TRUTH about the Evil Elites that Control our World. Their Secret Combinations will be Secret No More …. This playlist has the first 10 videos WITH all the sequels. The first number is each video (in this playlist) in order as they were released. Thus, “The Fall of the Cabal & All Sequels”. With the passing of Janet, I am not sure if there will be a Part 29 for the Sequels. Cyntha said with Janet gone the Fall of the Cabal Sequels may take on a different form. Maybe in articles rather than videos.

A Constitutional Republic If We Can Keep It. Verified


Blockchain, cryptocurrency, personal & professional development, self-help, politics… all of which can be very complicated; we try to make it easy. Crypto Beadles has a passionate team whose aim is to provide information & education through entertaining videos. We create all kinds of content to help viewers with information to help navigate this exciting and ever-changing world. We do everything from covering the top news, book reviews, product reviews; to having interviews with industry experts, industry leaders, company CEO\\\\\\\'s, and a whole slew of guests who provide unique and often different kinds of viewpoints. **All guests, information they share, the many different conversations and viewpoints published on our channel are NOT ADVICE or FACT, and everything we publish is for INFORMATION and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only! We\\\\\\\'re here to learn together about blockchain, cryptocurrency, how politics change and play a part in our lives, and how we can all learn to become better people; better at home, better at work, learn how to do more, be more, and make a bigger difference in our communities. We’ll also talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Altcoins, and much more. Most know cryptocurrency can be dangerous and confusing. Information for beginners or even advanced crypto lovers can be hard to find; I looked but couldn\\\\\\\'t find a channel that covers the basics, which is why I originally created this cliche name, channel to help :-) **Please know I am not a financial advisor! Before, during, and after all your crypto trades/actions, you should seek counsel from qualified professionals to ensure you do what\\\\\\\'s best for you. **This is not financial advice, We DO NOT recommend or tell you what to buy, sell, trade, or invest in. This is not financial advice, and these are simply my own opinions! Trade, buy, sell, or use any of the information we provide at your own risk!